No. | Article | Section | Author |
1 | Team Leader Introduction | Introduction | LaurenMae |
2 | SoW Changes, USDF’s thoughts on SoW | Writing | Bigrig11/.Kate. |
3 | A Day in the life of an OPA Member | Writing | Gumby |
4 | Personnel Spotlight (From ‘In the Spotlight’) | Writing | Bigrig11 |
5 | A NCO’s First Days | Writing | Yodar |
6 | Office Spotlight | Writing | punkchichi123 |
7 | Promotions & Appointments | Writing | ElloMello |
8 | Habboween Outfits | Writing | Unnerving |
9 | Halloween Childhood Memories | Writing | hyperandr680 |
10 | Contribute to the Libertarian! |
Team Leader Introduction
by LaurenMae
Hello! I’m LaurenMae, but you can call me Lauren and I’m leading this month’s Libertarian! I have been in USDF now since January 2022, joining because I sprained my ankle on New Year’s and was extremely bored not being able to do anything… I’m now hooked to say the least. I started off in the office of OJFD and then after my HNCO term there, I wanted to try something new and completely out of my comfort zone, so I came to OPA and I absolutely love it here! I started off my journey in OPA as an RM, then becoming XO MO, then CO COMM and then back to XO COMM, so it’s safe to say I’ve had some different experiences!
A little about me, I live in the UK and you’ll usually find me on the discord chats, a lot of the time on the OPA chat, in my spare time I work, sleep, habbo, and go out pretty much… nothing too exciting!
This months Libertarian is based on Halloween, and we’ve got many different and exciting articles to read, including ideas of different habbo halloween costumes, a spooky halloween story, an NCO’s first days, and a day in the life of an OPA member (if you ever had a thought about joining OPA and wanted to know what it’s all about)!
If you ever want to talk or are feeling demotivated or burnt out, please make sure you talk to someone! Personally, my DM’s are always open – I hope you enjoy reading this months spooky Libertarian, happy reading guys!
SoW Changes, USDF’s Thoughts On SoW
by .Kate.
This month we were all surprised by the new SoW modernization!
With this update, personnel can now gain more SoW points per shift. The Senior Command have kindly increased most positions in points. For example filling Front Row prior to this update you would only gain 2 SoW now it’s a brilliant 3!
You can check out the new points here:
Interviews & their thoughts of the new SoW Modernization
I asked our members the following questions:
Q1 – How are you finding the new increase of SoW points per shift, due to the modernization of SoW?
Q2 – Has this increase helped you reach your sow quota each week?
Q3 – Does it feel new and improved or has it stayed the same for you?
Here are their thoughts!
“In terms of the increase of SoW, I am finding it okay. I tend to hit my SoW quotas normally with OMP Duties. My ability to hit quota never really changed so that wasn’t an issue and I feel like it has stayed the same but again, that is only because I do OMP duties mainly.”
“Definitely better, even though I only was using the old SoW system for a short time, the new increase I find is an upgrade. I find I am reaching higher numbers quicker which is good, I can reach quota a lot faster. New and improved although I was only a part of the old system for a small period of time, I find the new SoW better.”
“I get why it is increased, due to a lot of tasks giving a significant amount of SoWs. You’d be able to get your required Sow within a few hours but for some of us who have long work days, it may be harder to cope with but overall I’m positive about it.”
“It is a much more satisfactory system, it allows staff members having difficulty to meet the imposed quota. This new system with certainly the increase in the quota of 5 points will still help them, because if we refer to the one before the shifts in the front row were only worth 2 points whereas now they are at 3 points, and so it should allow them to be able to make shifts even while playing on the phone to get a lot of points in less time than before. For the second question, I would say that these days you will surely have noticed, I am less active compared to last month. This is explained by the fact that I have resumed classes and therefore I have long days. and quite busy, I go home only in the evening, when I have little free time because I have to revise my lessons. And during this little free time I can easily make 10 points in 1 hour before disconnecting, repeating this for 2 or 3 days I can easily meet the imposed quota. For the third and last question, I would say that given the help and the benefits that this system brings us, it would be advisable to leave it like this, something that would make things easier for us.”
“I like the increase. It works well for me and I was able to easily reach SOW before so now it is even easier. I think it has improved. It makes it easier to get higher levels of SOW.”
“I have yet to start any HQ positional shifts, but I can definitely say it’s easier to fulfil SoW even from office duties and hosting training alone. Since the point’s have increased, I can definitely feel that it’s way easier to achieve my SoW quota now. It has definitely felt new and improved, it’s overall better than the previous SoW we had – easier for everyone to achieve not just their quota, but TP as well.”
“I feel more motivated with the increase of SoW, and it makes me want to do more shifts. It has definitely helped me reach my quota. I definitely think it’s new and improved but in my opinion it should be abolished altogether!”
“Well, I am not overly thrilled about the target increase from 20 to 25. I would have preferred the target to maybe decrease a little and have the duties be more instead. Some people fill HQ positions every time they come in but forget to do the SoW (like me). I have managed to reach it but it has stayed the same really.”
“I think the new SoW update is pretty sweet, not gonna lie. I like it a lot better and make much more sense. I mean I haven’t had trouble at all with the quota before but essentially it would have been the same. I mean with it being moved up to 25 isn’t really a difference to me. And new and improved for sure.”
“I think that the increase in points for each task is nice, and it did seem to make people think they were accomplishing more per task. In the long run, it means people will get paid more at the end of each month. It did seem redundant in terms of Weekly SoW, as the amount of SoW needed each week also increased from 20 to 25. So yes, you are getting more points per certain task. However, you are now expected to get more points. Personally for me, it seems to have stayed the same. As you will always get those that want to get loads of SoW and those that just want to get by with the required amount. You don’t suddenly see more people trying to complete tasks. People are still being asked to fill the Front, DDO or Sentry, with the old adage of easy SoW. So it doesn’t really seem to have encouraged more participation in working with HQ. As far as other tasks go I personally don’t seem to have seen much of a difference from anyone.”
On the 2nd of October, 2022, the USDF bore witness to possibly one of the largest changes to the Standard of Work system since its initial enactment. These changes saw a dramatic increase in the SoW accrued from HQ duties, and a slight increase in the weekly SoW requirements.
The main reason for these changes was due to “the discontinuation of the Flash client in late 2020”, -Rob? stated in an interview. “The flash client was the primary way to play and it was replaced with the vastly inferior ‘modern’ Unity web client that we know and loathe today.” Thus, “USDF gradually lost large swathes of population during 2021”. He then went on to explain that “the Standard of Work system which was designed originally in 2016 when game health and population were substantially better no longer stacked up. Essentially what was needed was a large adjustment for the deflated amount of players.”
The modernization of SoW project addresses this issue, accounting for the large reduction in players. Rob alleges the changes mean “at the very minimal that Standard of Work is no harder to achieve than before, despite the increase to 25 per week from 20”. Specifically, OJFD will see it “has received by far the most substantial boost to their points to make achieving the 25 weekly target substantially easier”. Essentially, “the amount of support and assistance NCOs need to get to their weekly target has never been greater.”
He then went on to say that personnel can expect “better support and clarification on how it (The SoW system) works.” As well as iterating that “Command teams will be playing a much stronger and central role in ensuring personnel feel supported and not punished by the SoW system.”
The USD P&R acknowledges that “It’s often assumed in our mountain of guides, letters and regulations that personnel just should know about SoW but this has long been proven to be untrue given the issues regarding it.” In the future, USDF can expect to see “Command teams playing a much stronger and central role in ensuring personnel feel supported and not punished by the SoW system.” With their end goal being “to ensure this is something that is easy to understand, easy to complete and as stress-free as humanly possible.”
Overall, the response to these changes has been very positive. We look forward to seeing any further changes the OSP&C has for us.
In summary, I think most of us agree that the increase of SoW has been beneficial. I think it is great that we can all be open and honest about our thoughts and views when it comes to changes. It is important that we are all heard and feel heard! I would like to thank everyone who took part in this article and chose to answer my questions. I really appreciate the response and the constructive criticism.
A Day in the life of an OPA Member
By Gumby
Picture this…
You, an OPA member, are a delight in Headquarters, bringing joy to the personnel. You hold the power of entertainment. In OPA you can host games that you love: STAB, Fridge Game, Target 21, and the list goes on. You also may host the weekly as well!
If that is not your cup of tea, bring on the tunes and wield the power of music and broadcast as the DJ; bringing that heat with you with your sick music, exciting the vibes, taking some requests if you can, and possibly even giving away some prizes. Being certified as soon as you could be hosting a weekly radio show.
Do you like to draw masterpieces, or create graphics? Oh boy, we got news for you! Join us, and you may be doing just that as well! We are always in need of personnel who can make posters and graphics! Show off your artistic side with the Graphics or your cute little doodles. We won’t judge your stick figures!
Remember that green is not a creative color.
Why stop there? I am confident that you can also write. Write for various projects, scripts, and maybe even for The Libertarian! Hey, you are reading that now! If you are good with articles or wordplay you too can be a great writer for The Libertarian or any various events we host.
Are you friendly and outgoing? You can also fill The Bar or The Welcome Desk and greet Personnel and Guests! Strike up a good conversation with people. Hey Bartender! Provide our guests with a good brew, a croissant, or whatever we have in hand. Get extra with it! Roleplay with them if you want! Set a good tone, and make them feel welcome! Forward them to the front if they wish to join!
All of this said may apply to our events! Join OPA and help with various events! Get certified and keep your eyes out for events, and get involved!
Also, were you aware you may also help personnel advance in their careers? You can also host FEATS for them as {DGPRU}! Help a brother or sister out! Host them FEATS! Also, show them how great OPA is by being OPAmazing.
Overall, Join OPA! Have fun and set the mood for HQ! Merely this is just a day in the life of an OPA Member, the opportunities are endless, and you can do so much in OPA!
Personnel Spotlight (from ‘In the Spotlight’)
By Bigrig11
This month, the personnel of USDF have seen lots of new changes. We have witnessed the talent, willpower, and collaboration skills of many individuals. Last month’s “In the Spotlight” highlights a few of our greatest achievers for the month. Below is a list of personnel who were nominated this month’s “In the Spotlight”:
- Major Sorraia, DCS OPS.
- CW2 Silentstormx, A/XO TRADOC.
- Captain Jennej9, MDASD ISA.
- CWO3/PO inclusiv
- CWO5/SISO Reefath
- SgtMajMC Mikuya
- CWO5 cutiepie99999, XO PO.
In particular, CWO5 cutiepie99999, Executive Officer for Public Operations (Navy) has been nothing shy of brilliant. Initially enlisted in March 2022, Louise joined USDF in the Army Branch, where she achieved an Army Achievement Medal for her works in Army Council, and Army Events.
She later transferred to the Navy branch, where she took a prominent role in Navy Events, before being appointed XO in OPA. Rear Admiral ChickenFajita, nominated Louise for this month’s “In the spotlight”, with the following comment:
“Louise has taken on a massive number of projects within the Navy. She continues to roll with any punches that are thrown at her and goes above and beyond with all of them. In addition to this, she was recently appointed to an OPA Command position. She continues to balance the workload in a great way, ensuring that all tasks are done. Thank you, Louise!”
Louise has been working on plenty of OPA tasks throughout the month, though her duties are more directed at helping junior members. “I feel as though once you’re in command, it’s all about supporting regular members at that point”, she said in an interview. “I have always been in OPA, so I know where I can help knowing what I’ve struggled with, so I’m happy continuing to support people and making their own goals happen!”
Being XO of OPA, there was no doubt she had to overcome some barriers. Louise said “It was a great confidence boost to move on to become events director, which has been, at times, stressful but overall rewarding!” “Make sure to take plenty of time for yourself; do things because you want to, don’t ever feel like you have to!”
To those who want to follow in Louise’s footsteps, she left some humble advice. “Anythings possible! I never would’ve seen myself anywhere other than the DD list when I was a NCO, and now im a CWO5, in OPA Command and Navy Events! If you have the right attitude and mindset, you can do whatever you want.”
USDF is a team. Regardless of rank, branch, status, race, age; we all function as a team, and nobody could ever dream of running this solo. With that in mind, Louise would like to offer her gratitude to a few individuals in particular, who helped make her the esteemed woman she is today.
KraziiKendii – This girl is an absolute gem, the most supportive person, thank you for helping me discover my OPA love and pulling me through!
FiftyMiles – One of the first friendly faces I met here at USDF and has always been a lovely & helpful guy!
ChickenFajita, – Austins’ always been my #1 Cheerleader at USDF HOOAH
Overall, this month has been very exciting, with lots of amazing people bringing forth their efforts and ideas. Keep your eye out for any opportunities and leadership roles that arise, as Louise said: “Do things because you want to, don’t ever feel like you have to!”
An NCO’s First Days
By Yodar
We have caught up with one of our newest NCOs to find out their thoughts about USDF, their first few days, and what they are looking forward to as they continue their journey through USDF.
I would like to introduce you to a rising star, an NCO who has been a shy person when he joined USDF, and now is currently blossoming into a wonderful NCO who has taken on himself to be the best of the best.
”Thank you for joining me today, Heart_Ticker! Can you please tell me a bit about yourself?”
”My name is Jake and I am currently a JNCO here at USDF. I am learning about Physics because I like to study the motion of things. I do like to play video games and Basketball in my spare time.”
”It’s cool that you are studying Physics. Can you tell me what you think about USDF so far?”
”I think USDF is a great place to work in as the staff is nice. The atmosphere is very interesting and professionally thought out. I like that it is themed with each season and you never know what you can expect from the decorators.”
”I do agree, our builders are always coming up with something new. Can you tell me more about how you felt since you were enlisted in USDF?”
”I really did enjoy working in USDF, as I am always learning something new. I really do like their training, especially their PTPs. That is so much fun as I felt like I was in a roleplaying environment. I do wish we had a lot more of that available because it helps me break free from my real life for a while.”
”I am pretty sure that they are working on some more fun training. What do you plan to do next in USDF?”
”I would like to focus on becoming a role model in USDF as I want to inspire other people to do their best every single time they come into HQ. Sometimes we need to change things up to keep things interesting, and make everyone enjoy spending time in HQ. I do want to become an SNCO so I can take on more fun training and teach other new members on things that they need to know since I recently joined OJFD.”
”I am happy to hear that you found an office that you like. Can you tell me what makes you stay in USDF?”
”I really like the environment as you never know what to expect. Fun games in HQ, goofy people, cool atmosphere. If you don’t mind, I need to go as I have a basketball practice to go to.”
”Yes, I understand. Thank you for your time and I hope you have fun at your practice!”
As you can see, Heart_Ticker really does enjoy his time in USDF and it is important to check in with our JNCOs as they have a fresh perspective and may have some good ideas for changes if needed, and can identify weak points if there are any. This is one of many ways we can find out how we can improve USDF, and ensure a fun and happy environment!
Office Spotlight
By punkchichi123
I’m very excited to bring you all an amazing member of OJAG for our interview series. Today they are going to teach us about the many beautiful things OJAG has to offer potential applicants, including building friendships, and surrounding yourself with a community that is created to last. They will offer some important advice for anyone in USDF puzzled by what office to apply for or simply for those looking to expand their knowledge about what USDF has to offer.
What’s exciting about this interview is that it’s a very different story and journey than mine. It’s a fantastic account of one officer’s time in OJAG, and it shows you some things that are working right now. I’m so excited to have Sara/ Candykitten22 here. She provides fantastic insight into what it’s like to delve deep into your chosen USDF career and how doing so can exponentially improve your life.
Question 1: When did you get accepted into OJAG?
Answer: Oh gosh, I can’t remember the exact date I got appointed, it wasn’t too long ago.
Question 2: What attracted you to apply for this position?
Answer: I previously was a JA before I resigned back in 2018 I believe. It was a goal of mine since my reinstatement in April to get back into OJAG, a small tight-knit office. It’s always been an interesting office, especially being able to see the trials happening, which was something new to me. I believed it would be a fun opportunity to be a part of.
Question 3: What has your typical role on this team been?
Answer: Well I am still acting “A/” so there are still places where I am learning. I don’t think there’s a typical role, it depends on what we do. It could be dealing with appeals to reinstate approved pardoned personnel.
Question 4: How would you describe your OJAG colleagues?
Answer: Great! It’s a lovely welcoming office, both Kevin and I, one of the other JAs, were appointed the same day; so it is nice being able to go through our training together. Our other JA as well as our JAG are great and are always helpful. I also can not forget about our USD P&R who is just fab.
Question 5: What motivates you to get up every morning and work in OJAG?
Answer: The friendly and great environment the office brings, when you have great colleagues you perform at your peak.
Question 6: Aside from your colleagues and trials, what excites you most about OJAG?
Answer: To be able to hear the other side of the story where personnel believe they shouldn’t have been punished.
Question 7: To date, what is the craziest thing to happen while you’ve been in OJAG?
Answer: HR being a nice person. Lol, he’s going to fire me for that. No, but I mean a lot of things we see and deal with are OPSEC. So I can’t really say some of the other funny or crazy things.
Question 8: If you could go back in time and change the past, would you stop yourself from joining OJAG?
Answer: Not at all, it was a great decision for me to apply to be a part of the office.
Question: Alright, last question Sara. Why should others join OJAG? What makes it different from the other offices?
Answer: It’s a close office as you know there aren’t many JAs. You have senior command at your fingertips to assist you with anything that you may need, it is a fun and exciting office to be a part of.
That’s all folks! – Conclusion –
Thank you so much to Sara who did an amazing job answering all the questions I had and being an amazing sport about everything. I couldn’t begin to explain how excited I was to have her as a guest in today’s interview, and I enjoyed having a chat with her. It’s given our readers a chance to learn all the bits and pieces about the topic we covered in the interview.
Now I pose a question to all the readers: If you could go back in time and change your past, what office would you apply for?
Visit to learn even more about the different offices that are available to every member of USDF.
Promotions and Appointments
By ElloMello
This month brought forth so many incredible achievements of our USDF personnel. From graduating OCS, to obtaining new appointments and getting that promotion our personnel have done it all and we’d like to recognize many of those achievements!
OCS Class 065
At the end of September the following members completed OCS and entered into the Officer Corps.
- 2d Lt Secster
- 2ndLt Camastrr
- 2LT KraziiKendii
- 2LT o:-Connor
- 1st Lt Fire0x__
- 2ndLt FiftyMiles
- 1stLt Tim058
The month of October brought about many appointments and changes of command many of which are listed below:
- CMDCM NefariousZ as HNCO NETC for OJFD
- CCM ryanetheha09-3 as HNCO AETC for OJFD
- CW2 Silentstormx as HNCO TRADOC and then as XO TRADOC for OJFD
- SgtMaj Riceboii as HNCO TECOM for OJFD
- LtCol Intervener12 as ASD SP&C
- 2ndLt FiftyMiles as CJCS EA and then DASD RSA
- LCDR Suave_ as VCNO
- CCM EvelastingLyfe as CMSAF
- Capt candykitten22. as Judge Advocate
- CPT TigerLily,x as A/DCS PERS
- Col BasicallyIDoWrk as A/DCS MP&S
- CPT 39, as a Judge Advocate
- CWO3 linda.biehl2 as XO LOGCOM for OMP
- LTJG armando498 as A/MDASD MO
- Maj :alyss as A/MSASD PO
- 2LT o:-Connot as XO OPMG
- CAPT Normalty as USD C
- 1LT Fortunate_CT as A/CO FORCOM
Finally, the month of October was a month full of promotions of USDF’s hard working personnel.
- Seokdan was promoted to CWO4
- CynicalR was promoted to CWO2
- 1998Hailey1998 was promoted to O9
- LighthouseOne was promoted to O6
- K1e24 was promoted to CWO4
- MidgetBella was promoted to O7
- -Rob? was promoted to O9
- Underterminated was promoted to GS-11
- .diplodocus. was promoted to GS-10
- ChickenFajita,, was promoted to O8
- sugarnoah was promoted to O9
- tim058 was promoted to O2
- TigerLily,x was promoted to O3
One final round of congratulations to all of the hardworking USDF members who have been promoted, appointed, or received awards throughout the past month!
Habboween Outfits
By Unnerving
It’s that time of year again! Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls are invading USDF!
Vampires: Vampires, a true classic! Blood, lust, black outfits and of course, fangs! Shocking white hair and pale skin, coupled with a black, formal outfit. Perfection!
Hula Dancers: One for the non-HC’s! Anyone can wear a pink flower against red hair, along with a grass skirt and coconut bra! Let’s Hula!
Zombies: Gorey, gutted nightmares! Vile stomach wounds and bandaged legs go perfectly with green skin and crude cranial damage!
Plague Doctors: Step into the mid 1300’s, a time where men dressed in long black robes and pointed beaks paid a visit to the sick and attempted to heal them.
Hope you had the best Halloween costume choices!
Halloween Childhood Memories
By hyperandr680
Halloween is on the horizon, and as many of us will know, it is the one holiday that really defines the season. We have Easter for spring, Halloween for Autumn and Christmas for Winter! At home, we don’t really celebrate Halloween. We tend to keep to ourselves, don’t put any decorations out, and we go out, as a family, for a meal to avoid the trick-or-treaters. It’s how I’ve grown up, only going trick or treating a couple of times as a small child, and I vaguely remember being put into a black cat leotard with black and pink cat ears. Had I worn that in today’s society and at my age, I might’ve had some strange looks. I talked to a few of our personnel about their childhood experiences, from all ranks, to get a perspective from people worldwide and their Halloween experiences.
Here’s a conversation I had with SSgt Crescent_Moon from USDF, just to start us off.
Hyperandr680 – “Hi! I’m writing an article for The Libertarian about Childhood Halloween Memories. If you are able, could you tell me a little bit about your Childhood Halloween Memories?”
Crescent_Moon – “Ok Sure! There was this one time when I was 8, there was a bunch of obi wan kenobis that got into a huge Jedi fight In the middle of a trick-or-treat line. They all whipped out their force fx lightsabers and started wailing at each other. I can’t make this up, it was actually pretty cool.”
Hyperandr680 – “Wow! I suppose when you’re 8, things like that really stand out!”
Crescent_Moon “Oh yeah cause there was a Darth Vader that came also
and all the Obi-Wans basically led a 10v1!”
Hyperandr680 – Oh wow, ahahahaha, that sounds incredible!”
I didn’t get a response from that, unfortunately, but it sounds like he had a good time!
I asked TSgt connfusion the same question, and here’s the response!
Connfusion – “For Halloween, me and my cousins used to dress up in matching costumes and went to every house we could find w decorations, Halloween isn’t as big of a thing here as it is in America but there were still a decent amount of houses we used to visit. if we didn’t get the candy we’d like my aunt usually had a couple of our favs already bought and we’d just watch movies while munching on our lollies. That’s a distinct memory from one year.”
Hyperandr680 – ”Just from the word lollies I can tell you aren’t American!”
Connfusion – “Halloween here is kinda boring unless you go to like a party…”
Hyperandr680 – “Yes, same here. I’m also not American.”
Confusion – “You have to look for decorations to know they’re actually giving out stuff!”
Hyperandr680 – “If the lights are on you know they’re there and ready. My family don’t celebrate Halloween at all.”
So only after two conversations so far, it’s pretty clear to see that so many different people can have so many different experiences with Halloween in their childhoods, and how it has impacted them today.
A couple of our members at USDF, who wished to remain anonymous with these stories, have had some rather different experiences.
USDF Personnel #1 – “My mom would always take me to the rich neighborhoods, and we would score the big candy bars. One year, I had two costumes and would revisit the homes twice in one night to get extra candy. All the other years, we made the mistake of going to my step-grandma’s house first and she talked A LOT. So hers was the only house I would go to. I don’t really have anything else, I don’t really remember that much of my childhood due to my accident in 2015 but I do remember those few Halloween’s.”
Hyperandr680 – “That’s brilliant! If I ever did trick or treating, I would totally have done the same! As unfortunate as the accident may be, it is good at least that you have some memories to look back upon.”
USDF Personnel #2 – “So, basically, I was never blessed with a “rich” family or parents with a bit of money so my mum always dressed us in a bin bag that had cutouts for the arm and head. She would make us witches hats and buy us plastic fingers and teeth and we would go trick or treating in this ridiculous costume but I love it because even though we had nothing my mum still tried and made do with what we got just so we could go to Halloween parties and out with friends. My family doesn’t know that now I’m older but I will be celebrating it with my 2 (going 3 in March) year old daughter when she is old enough.”
All halloween experiences will be different, as everyone comes from different countries, backgrounds and communities with different personalities, and friendships. Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, it is a time when people can come together in tough times, celebrate something that is traditional, and have fun together.
Thank you all for reading, and wishing you a Happy Halloween!
What do YOU want to see on the next Libertarian?
The Libertarian Command Team would like to hear from YOU!
We have opened a Mailbox for all your comments, notes, suggestions and ideas. Make sure to keep an eye out for the Libertarian (announcements) for any changes or additions to the submissions we take!
Here are the things that you can submit:
Libertarian Game Submission
Do you have the million-dollar-answer to the current game hosted in the Libertarian? Watch the deadline in the publication closely!
General Feedback
What do you think about the Libertarian and it’s issues, what could be improved?
Theme and Topic Ideas
What do you want to see in future issues, what content are we missing? For either the Libertarian as a whole or to be used for Journalism/Graphics assignments.
Community Submissions
Submit an announcement, poster, graphic, article or shout out, as long as it is made by you and not part of any OPA assignments. Who knows, maybe your submission will be featured in a future Libertarian.
Please be wary that the preparations for each issue start way before the actual Libertarian is published. Therefore, it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for your idea to be implemented, if suitable. Use the button below to let us know your thoughts and ideas.
Special Thanks to
Editors | Armando498 LaurenMae |
Writers | LaurenMae ElloMello punkchichi123 Yodar Bigrig11 Promptis Gumby Hyperandr680 |
Designers | Pekka893 Jess_Jayne IvyCharleston KraziiKendii .Kate. :Alyss reignoff |