Reinstate Request

If you are appealing a dishonorable discharge that is less than or equal to 7 days old, you must file a PAF instead. All text should be your own words. Usage of outside resources including but not limited to, AI or soliciting someone to write a reinstatement request, are strictly prohibited and will hurt the outcome of your submission. Failure to abide by these provisions are a direct violation of UCMJ Article 25: Cheating and Plagiarism at USDF.

If you've already submit a request, check the current status here

Can't remember? View discharges or search your name.

If you were dishonorably discharged, provide a summary of what occurred leading up to your discharge (including relevant articles), and why you wish to be approved. Furthermore, ensure you're active on Discord should OJAG reach out to you for further inquiries.

This is required in the event we need to get in touch with you