No. | Article | Section | Author |
0 | Introduction | Special | coolchick1313 |
1 | Inspirational Story | Exclusive | MrReeceM |
2 | New Years Worldwide | Informative | MrReeceM |
3 | There’s Something About My Office | Interview | RusticPenguin |
4 | Office Spotlight | Special | chiari.cord |
5 | Dear Diary | Creative | chiari.cord |
6 | Be Motivated | Interview | RusticPenguin |
7 | How to Write a New Years Resolution | Informative | chiari.cord |
8 | Inspirational People | Special | krizzycat |
9 | What’s Your Story? | Interview | RusticPenguin |
10 | Garden of Dreams | Poem | Infinicorn |
11 | Habbo 2020 | Exclusive | coolchick1313 |
12 | What Does It Take To Succeed? | Interview | krizzycat |
Team Leader Introduction
By coolchick1313

Welcome to the New Year 2021. What a year 2020 has been, with many highs and lows to contend with. I hope that this year brings joy and happiness, with this year being YOUR year. As the weather changes, with some people still stuck inside, as a new reality approaches, with festivities over, what will we do to keep occupied?
This month’s theme is ‘Inspiration’, to inspire you to all work towards being better, brighter versions of yourselves. Inspiration can be defined as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something,” which means you are all able to be inspired by something or someone. We hope you are inspired to read and enjoy this month’s Libertarian edition.
The team has worked, and inspired each other to be able to create this edition of the Libertarian. I want to thank each contributor for their hard work and determination in completing this work, as they have worked tirelessly over the month.
Inspirational Story
By MrReeceM

The reason people do things in life can usually come down to one major thing: Inspiration. Without inspiration, people can often slack off and not do well in the areas they need to grow, or they may take away from the outcome leaving it just where it needs to be- rather than going above and beyond in their work. Inspiration may come from various regions such as quotes or people that are looked up to as mentors in the workplace. A passion can go a long way as well in accordance with inspiration, because the biggest inspiration of all is a love for the work that you do and the workplace itself.
Being someone to be proud of can inspire people to want to work just as hard and may even push themselves more and more to become better. People often look for others subconsciously that they can mimic in order to obtain better outcomes throughout different situations.
Something that can be transpired through this is energy towards a certain activity such as Welcome Desk or DDO to list a few. If a new person comes through who has never done anything like that before, they will often look towards people currently filling the position to get a stronger idea of how to perform. Other areas including recruitment may also be a culprit and interactions with various people on a daily basis can lead towards passion and a love for what they do, which will increase their performance overall. Taking people under your wing and showing people the ropes, even indirectly by doing things your own personal way, could lead to a major reason why someone comes back from day to day.
Using someone as a role model isn’t the only impactful way one can be inspired. Quite often we look to others, particularly those who lead us and are inspired by the power of words. Whether this is through encouragement, instructions or any other forms of speech. We find inspiration through quotes that are shared throughout USDF and other outlets. It is crucial that the way you interact, or display yourself always reflects the idea that what you do next will impact others.
One major quote that inspires me personally is “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them,” spoken by Walt Disney. This is an inspiration for me as it allows me to focus on myself and what I want in life. By not worrying about possible hardships that may come from chasing my dreams, I can think about the greatness that will come by just starting towards my goals in life. Quotes have different meanings based on who you ask, that’s why it’s important to find one that speaks to you personally so you’re able to find your own drive to accomplish things.
In summary, something that majorly drives someone’s work is inspiration and passion towards things that matter to them. It’s important to be someone who inspires others as well, even when you’re not trying to because new people within USDF may just look up to you and pick up on your drive to get things done, especially if you are a leader. Live life as if every moment is your last and great things will transpire through such. Whether with real life scenarios, or through the online world, picking something you’re passionate towards and finding inspirations to keep going even when the times get hard can lead to incredible outcomes. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again until you’re able to accomplish everything you want and more. To leave you with some more inspiration, I want you to think of this quote, “Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen,” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
New Years Worldwide
By MrReeceM

The art of the New Years celebration has been around since 45 B.C when the Julian calendar fully took effect. This changed the way we perceived dates by changing from the Roman calendar, which followed lunar cycles to following the solar year. The celebration is a world-wide endeavour with various celebrations due to different cultures having adapted their own special ways in order to encapsulate starting the New Year. From something like smashing plates against a friend’s door while in Denmark to something as simple as eating twelve grapes in Spain, the possibilities are endless and follow numerous traditions- each with their own stories.
While Denmark’s out smashing plates for their New Year’s celebration, Edinburgh celebrates their New Year in a remarkable way which actually lasts 3 days. It spans from the 30th of December to the 1st of January and all begins with the Torchlight procession. This is a group of 20,000 to 40,000 people all walking while carrying torches to create a “River of Fire,” usually lead by a series of drummers and pipers. The following days also incorporate things such as fireworks, a Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) which is a social gathering involving Gaelic Dance and Music, and concerts. Many other traditions also encompass simple things to start the year off right, such as Brazil, more specifically Copacabana Beach of Rio de Janeiro. They start their year off by jumping Seven waves, which is told to bring luck with you into the New Year, all while wearing white to symbol peace and throwing a bouquet of flowers into the sea as an offering to the Goddess of the Seas. As aforementioned, the Spanish eat twelve grapes, one for each stroke of midnight, which people actually take the time to practice for because it’s harder than it sounds. According to tradition, this will give you a year full of prosperity if successful and usually followed with a huge party and dances that last throughout the night.
It’s widely known that different cultures have different ways of celebrating holidays, and these are just a few ways that New Years is celebrated throughout the world, and if you love to learn about different cultures, you should take a deeper look into it! Learning more about different traditions betters your understanding of people from those areas that you may even meet while here in USDF!
There’s Something About My Office
By RusticPenguin

I interviewed four people from various offices and ranks on why they joined the office they are in currently or why they chose to apply for their position. I also asked what inspired them and why do they stay.
The first person I interviewed was 1stLt ggiisshh, otherwise known as Hannah. She is a current Officer Cadet School Academic Advisor in OOT&E. When I asked her these questions, this was her reply:
“I picked OOT&E because I have a passion for: 1- learning things and 2- teaching things. I was previously in our PE division before OCS, where I did counseling and graded L/W exams! All of my duties in OOT&E I have really enjoyed because they are extremely important to USDF! I really enjoy teaching people how to apply the knowledge learned, not just towards USDF materials but also to help them develop learning skills that can be used in real life too! This all inspired me to stay in OOT&E because I love it sooo much. Yes sometimes I do get bored, but I always am trying to change up my perspective for things because OOT&E is always changing.”
The next person I interviewed was CWO5 partyicon. He is in OPA, and holds the position of Public Affairs Officer. When asked these questions, he replied with:
“I initially joined OPA over a year and six months ago and have loved it ever since! I chose the office as it offered me a variety of ways to express myself whilst progressing through the ranks in USDF. The office is a fun place to be where the command is always on hand to help out in a professional and friendly manner. Furthermore, the office promotes fun and is very engaging when it comes to USDF related tasks… it is like a family here!
Being an individual who is motivated by art and design with a recent B.A. (Hons) in Media Studies, OPA inspired me as the office allowed me to carry out and practice my creative duties. This falls in line with the fact that I love to help out wherever I can and contributions through graphics for events allowed me to do just that!”
The next person interviewed was LCDR -Mythology?, who is known to us all as the Naval Inspector General, which is a part of OJSIG. LCDR answered the questions as follows:
“I first had my eyes on OJSIG since the day I came back. I served in the office as an MPO a few times previously in 2015 and 2016 and it was the office I enjoyed my time in the most, so it was a no brainer for me! Once I entered the office as a CWO5 a few months ago, it was time to achieve the next goals I had set for myself, which was to be a command member for OJSIG and become a Commissioned Officer. I stay in the office because I enjoy my responsibilities and duties. I was and am still confident in my abilities and I knew that with hard work, I could keep moving up the ranks and Chain of Command. What inspires me the most is seeing other individuals grow that join our organization and my superiors who continue to inspire me everyday. As for my position, once I was appointed DNAVIG a few months ago, I only wanted to do better and go further, so I always tried the best I could to get to where I am now. Similar to why I stay in OJSIG, I enjoy what I do and would like to stay in my position for as long as I can. The position I am in allows me to help our organization enjoy a safe environment for our large community, so there’s nothing else I’d rather do.”
The last person I interviewed was CWO3 XxBAMItsMadixX, also known as Madi, she is the Executive Officer of Naval Education and Training Command. This is how she answered the questions:
Ever since I saw it mentioned in FEAT {U}, I knew that the Office of Joint Force Development was for me. I absolutely love attending FEATs and hosting them is even more rewarding! Being able to connect with newly Enlisted personnel and being forever remembered on their PTS were some of my main reasons for initially joining, but also, becoming well-versed in all of our training has helped me substantially in my career progression. When I first saw the position of OJFD HNCO open up, I was completely jazzed and applied straight away! Then, as the old XO NETC stood down, I knew that I had what it took to step-up and continue my journey as OJFD Command. The people that I interact with day-to-day in OJFD channels on Discord, the gift of being able to evolve all of our FEATs and PTPs, and the genuine pleasure I get from being in my position, are all factors in encouraging me to stay. OJFD gave me my first office and command position experience, and it will eternally hold a special place in my heart.
Office Spotlight
By chiari.cord

Welcome once again to Office Spotlight! On this special occasion, and after already seeing many other Offices, we decided to focus the light on ourselves!
Have you ever wondered and not been too sure- Who is behind this monthly newsletter? What about events? Who runs HQ Games? Well today, the spotlight goes to the Office of Public Affairs.
OPA is the Office in charge of maintaining USDF’s motivation as well as keeping everyone entertained, with a more recent focus on our public image utilising social media platforms. To make this happen, we put together many different things such as events, games, newsletters, etc. You probably have seen some of these, or participated in them around HQ or USDF!
On a daily basis, you can find OPA members in HQ hosting popular games like STAB, Target21, Trivia or manning the DJ booth playing some awesome tunes that you can listen to on our own USDF Website visiting the radio section.
But that’s not even half of what we do. Although you can’t see it, OPA is always working on developing new events and projects as well as collaborating with Branch Events Divisions. Many of our members are busy regularly making graphics, writing, building rooms and completing other tasks that all goes on behind the scenes of every event we put out. If you haven’t been to one of them yet, watch out for the events announcements!
Another one of our commitments is making the Libertarian each month. This is a newsletter.. exactly the one you are reading right now, where we produce many articles for your entertainment and the sharing of information. All of these revolve around monthly topics with different writing and graphic styles incorporated!
Let’s hear why CWO5 Partyicon joined OPA:
“The Office of Public Affairs was the one office that stood out to me among all the other offices. The reason for this is because OPA was and still is the office that promotes fun. Not only did OPA allow a platform for me to enjoy my time in USDF, but it also gave me a place to develop new skills and express an inner creative mind that I have never ventured into before. The assignments in OPA allow me to create something artistic, the sky is the limit and I absolutely love it!
As I slowly developed as an individual I wanted to take the next step in OPA in which I was to help train those who were joining the office. My motivations were solely on helping the office grow and expand whilst trying to deliver the best and friendliest experience. This was really the foundation towards my next steps in OPA.
Shortly after this I got my Advanced Training allowing me to become a Radio DJ for OPA. This was the number one place you would find me for OPA duties. I was the king of the radio! All day and everyday and I loved it! Soon enough I managed to become a top performer which was followed by me becoming OPA Command. The position I was lucky enough to get was the position of XO MO. This opportunity allowed me the chance to build my skills as well as develop myself. This built my confidence and helped me become an established leader in OPA. I absolutely loved the position though it wasn’t always sunshine and butterflies as any command position will show you. Stress is just a perk! But I would never change the experience for the world. Unfortunately, due to life commitments I had to put habbo and OPA on the shelf so I could concentrate on my studies. I was really heartbroken and gutted by having to let go the position I worked so hard to get but now I have returned and my sole focus is to return back to command!”
So, now you know more about the Office of Public Affairs! If you have decided that this is a place that interests you, we are always looking for new creative minds to join our Office, so give it a shot! Apart from that, make sure to join us at our next event, can’t wait to see you there!
Dear Diary…
By chiari.cord

What inspired me today was taking a break for myself. In this new year, I am determined to take more time alone to connect with what I really like and what makes me happy. No more putting my needs under other people’s wishes, this will be my year and I plan to make the most out of it.
And in this path to find my inner self, I plan to escape. I am positive that what I need right now is to leave my life for a while. Forget everything, just get lost for some time and come back when I feel like it. Some may agree with what I want to do, others may think it’s dumb and only a waste of time. But I don’t care anymore. I am tired of having to live up to expectations, tired of feeling as if I have to be on good terms with everyone I meet.
Laying down in my bed, I wonder what I can do. Perhaps, I could just go around the city, looking for new places to eat, taking pictures to capture the most unusual landscapes I can find. I could get to know every single corner of the area, talk to the neighbours, ask them about their best memories, while I create my own.
However, my mind has a lot of ideas all at once. As I think about it, I could grab my car and drive for hours. Be on the road until I find a pretty flower field, where I can sit and enjoy time by myself. Probably wait until the sun goes down, maybe I can even spend the night looking at the stars, getting lost on my own thoughts.
Anyways, I really don’t want to put too much thought into it. I only need to take some time to disconnect from reality, and let my mind take me wherever it wants to go. Leaving everything behind for a while just makes me very excited and happy to see what will come.
I will come back and write more in this diary as soon as I finish. Hopefully, I will return as the best version of myself, ready to take on a new year and see where some inspiration takes me. See you soon, wish me luck!
Be Motivated
By RusticPenguin

I have asked 5 people one simple question: What motivates you?
The first person I asked was Colonel, AbbieGator110. She wanted the readers to know that she runs the LGBTIQ+ group on Discord, so send her a DM if you want to join! She put a lot of thought into her answer:
“Motivation for me can be hard to find at times, particularly as of late but for me, finding a project or something that you can really get into gets me going. At the moment, that’s the Habbo2020 client and making sure that we can break as little as possible when that goes live properly. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot that we can do there but at the same time, we need to ensure that everything is good to go as we get into this time of transition.
Always trying to find something to motivate you is important too, for me, things that really motivate me are builds like HQ and wired, wired is my JAM and I am the queen of the wired within USDF. Events are also a big passion of mine and getting those up and running is always worth the time to be able to do what you can to make sure everyone has a fantastic time.”
The next person I interviewed is CWO5 Gumby. Also known as Mario, he is an avid Dr. Pepper lover. He explained briefly what motivates him.
“I enjoy helping others which motivate me, if you have a question come ask me I will try to answer to the best of my abilities. I am in OJFD and Mentorship. I take this as seriously as I can, helping others is just something I do regardless of where I am at.”
One of the Branch HNCOs I interviewed was SMA Xylannel. You can often find the SMA, otherwise known as Leo (or Xylophone) in HQ either filling positions or just relaxing in R&R. This is what motivates him.
“The thing that can motivate me is the people who have supported me very strongly throughout my career. They always provide words of encouragement and motivation that always works to make me rise. I’m thankful that I have them in my life, I can’t imagine how life would be without them. I will always do my best, and try not to let them down.”
The next interviewed is MCPON, WolffStricker, who is also known as Dave. This is how he is motivated.
“What motivates me is always finding new opportunities and experiences. I always strive to expand my knowledge and learn as much as I can. I’ve been a part of militaries since 2006 and in all my years, I’ve tried to grind at different areas to be the best I could be and move onto the next one. I want to be someone who can do anything all around. To this day, I’m still learning and that’s what motivates me to keep going.”
The last person I interviewed was Captain, WNI. This is how he is motivated (on client and in his real life).
“One of my biggest motivational factors within militaries is the people you serve with. It sounds cliche, but it’s entirely true. I’ve been a part of Habbo related organisations since I was just nine years old in 2006, and it was always about the friendships & interactions for me. Habbo-wise, that’s still true. Not necessarily friendships, but certainly the people. The leadership style I’ve always chosen to take in militaries has been a hands-on people friendly one. A big thing I personally love is when people voice their concerns & opinions publicly (but appropriately) and are not afraid to have their thoughts heard. Honestly, seeing that alone motivates me to contribute and be active. I suppose my biggest motivation in a work ethic sense is trying to improve on what we have to make it as enjoyable as it can be for the community. In life, my biggest motivation is my weekly wage.”
New Years Resolutions
By Chiari.cord

How to write a New Year’s resolution
As we begin a new year, we tend to look back to the previous one. We see what we’ve accomplished, all the things that changed through it, and all the things that we may have missed out on. Sadly, many times we see ourselves thinking about everything that could have gone differently, and all the things that we didn’t do, even when we wanted to.
But, what if I told you that there’s a way for this not to happen? The solution is New Year’s resolutions. These are well known around the world, and many people write them as part of their Holidays celebrations. However, that’s not all. Even when you have these resolutions, you may not be able to achieve what you wanted to by the end of the year. In this article, we will be giving you some tips on how to make the best New Year’s resolutions that will make your year better.
Be specific with your goal
Sometimes, we write general things we want to achieve. It is often the case that since our plans aren’t specific, we don’t have a clear goal and we can lose the main purpose. As an example, let’s say you want to read more books on this upcoming year. You won’t only write “I want to read more books”, but instead add a clearer goal that includes dates or quantities. “I want to read one book every two months” would be a better resolution.
Make achievable resolutions
Another reason why people end up failing their New Year’s resolutions is because they may put up big goals for themselves. However, having big dreams or goals is not the problem, but you may want to see where you are right now and where you want to be, and then see if you can do all of that in one year, or if it will take more time. Let’s put it in an example. You want to open a shop to sell products and make the money you need, so your resolution is “I want to have a successful store by the end of the year”. But then you realize that you don’t even know what you want to sell, so it may seem a little bit unachievable at the moment. The resolution you are looking for can be “I want to start my own shop”, you can make small goals and then if you achieve them before the end of the year, you can always go bigger with them!!!
Try new things for yourself
Your New Year’s resolutions should be ways for you to improve yourself doing what makes you happy. Take some time to think about why you want this change in your life. Is it really going to make you happy? Or are you making it due to someone else’s influence or pressure. Perhaps it’s just for revenge. If it’s like that, achieving these may only give you momentary satisfaction, but the feeling may not last like you want it to. As an example, your goal is “I want to buy this trendy jacket”. After buying it, you are content with how it looks, but a new trend comes along and you end up not using it anymore, since it’s not what’s being used by society at that time. Even with small or big goals, you are going to want to think twice if it is what will change your life for the better or not.
Think of how you will achieve your goal
As you write them, try to think of the steps that you will need to take for you to accomplish your resolutions. It may seem simple, but it’ll be a great way for you to organize your path and clear your mind about what’s needed to get to what you desire. For instance, if your goal is “I want to learn the basics of drawing,” what you can do is plan your next move. Signing up for drawing classes, watching tutorials online, copying drawings made by others or getting the necessary supplies to draw. Having these in mind will help you build a path to achieve your resolution.
Now you know some new hot tips on how to improve your resolutions. You can write these on your phone, computer, paper, or on whatever makes you comfortable. Personally I like to be able to see my resolutions everyday so I can be reminded, and they always have a more personal touch when hand written. this is how I remind myself to work towards them by the end of the year and see how many I’ve achieved.
Even if you make it to your goals or not, having them is a good way to keep pushing yourself into making an effort to better your life and how you view the world. With these tips in mind, I encourage you to take a moment of your day to think about your resolutions and how you want to develop as a person by the end of the year. Here’s to a year full of changes and improvements!
Inspirational People
By krizzycat

Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire others to follow.
“Whatever we accomplish belongs to our entire group, a tribute to our combined effort.”
I absolutely love and resonate with this quote by Walt Disney and I thought, hey why not talk about him for this article. I am sure we all know who Walt Disney is, most likely from the creation of “Mickey Mouse” and “The Walt Disney Company,” or previously known as the “Disney Brother’s Studio.” However, how many of us have thought about his leadership style, even though he is an entrepreneur?
Walt Disney was a passionate, gentle, caring, tenacious man and a leader who cared about his personnel’s views. He was extremely passionate about his craft, which could be seen in his insane dedication towards his work and the abundance of creativity that showed his passion. As a father, husband and a friend, he cared immensely for his loved ones as well. After suffering many defeats and failure in life, Walt Disney got back up on his feet and faced his problems head on – a display of his tenacity. As a leader, he valued his staff’s opinions very much, although he is the one that made the ultimate decision. An instance this was displayed was after the tremendous success of “Snow White” in the 1930s. He built an enormous studio and needed to hire 700 skilled artists as the very nature of full-length animation required groups of people focusing with extraordinary attention to detail. Therefore, he could often be seen sitting around a drawing table, with around 12-40 artists meticulously planning and plotting scenes and characters. Why is this inspiring? Well, for one- being able to persevere through hardships and challenges is something that impresses me. Not many people could be strong enough to face hardships. Being a passionate leader who cares about their people is motivational. His gentle and caring disposition is like a more “relaxed” side of him that makes him an all-round great leader.
How about in USDF then, something closer to us? A leader in USDF I would like to talk about in this Libertarian who is inspiring is none other than CWO5 Papegaaiduiker, our lovely SEAC. CWOs should be very familiar with CWO5 Matt for he would often ping us in the #wo-chat to inquire about our well-being. You might be thinking, how is he inspiring? Speaking from the point of view of the previous SWOAAF, I can assure you that OSEAC is not easy. We spend countless hours doing OSEAC duties, but we are not all that recognised sometimes. What CWO5 Matt does, is he checks in on us often and engages us. Although this is seemingly minute, this little action of caring goes a long way in terms of emotional encouragement. He is also a friend to every one of us, getting to know us better and encouraging us to reach our various potentials. Although he is particularly busy in real life, he makes an effort to continue to be a great leader for us. He cares about us, his BHNCOs and SWOAs, more than his own wellbeing and has become a leader I have looked up to. His friendly disposition to everyone adds to his amazing character.
Some character traits CWO5 Matt has is that he is very approachable, flexible, strong-willed, passionate and caring. One thing that I learnt from him is that different people have different leadership styles, or qualities that make them leaders. A leader does not always have to be domineering to be a successful one. He inspires me to be a leader that is approachable and personable. He stands for what he thinks is right with a passion and will not back down without a fight. This is admirable as many would not want to involve themselves with the hassle of conflicting perspectives. He is willing to adapt and takes all of our suggestions into consideration, experimenting new things with us. He is passionate about what he does which is very contagious, and in turns motivates us all to work hard. He is a great leader who will go the extra miles for his subordinates and I am certain the BHNCOs and SWOAs can proudly proclaim that we are proud to have him as our leader.
What’s Your Story?
By RusticPenguin
Everyone has had a beginning here at USDF. Whether they started as a young Enlisted member, or transferred from another organization, you still had a beginning. The first person I interviewed was saeyoung.xo, Laney is an 1stSgt, who explained her experience:
“I joined USDF because of the potential to climb the ranks and has a wonderful community. I tried to transfer in, but had it rejected due to my past mistakes. I decided to climb up the ranks anyways because of the rewarding experience USDF has to offer. The beginning of my career was a little rough, as I had a hard time fitting in and finding friends. However, once I hit JNCO, I quickly found my home in OISA and made so many valuable friends, mentors, and memories.”
CWO5 Dinsky, other wise known as Dan, talks highly of his experience:
“I enlisted into USDF back in January 2017, because it was my first time on Habbo after many years and it was the top room on the navigator so I figured “Why not?” At the beginning, I was doing my own thing quietly working my way up the ranks. Soon after joining, I made my first friend, who introduced me to his friends, and we all ended up becoming a tight knit group. I liked the environment and just kept showing up in HQ every day and doing my tasks and just like that, I had been at USDF for months, reaching CWO5, Command positions, and finding amazing friendships.
The next person that I talked to was CWO5 UHaileyroseU:
“Just randomly searching all the rooms to explore Habbo some. I enlisted into USDF and the beginning of my career was awesome! I loved being in USDF hosting FEATS and meeting new people. Everyone was so nice to me which is the main reason why I have decided to stay for so long.”
CallmynameALT, or Callum, is a CCM, he joined USDF because:
“A friend recommended it to me and it had always interested me based on the fact it didn’t seem to run like any other military. There was a different atmosphere at USDF and you can tell that before you even join. I had to re-enlist per my pardon but when I re-enlisted, I loved it straight away and gave myself goals to work towards. The beginning of my career was amazing and it still is, I found friends that I have shared a lot of good memories with and learned skills I will take with me everywhere.”
The last person I interviewed was CWO2 iAmbitious, otherwise known as Becky:
“I was originally in USDF back in 2016, and retired as an O4/O3 on R2. I wished to join USDF again after a few years of jumping from pop up militaries that would open/close every month- for a chance at something more stabile. I really wanted to join the USDF community again and get to experience it again. After receiving a pardon, I was partially reinstated to E9 and then upon completion of required FEATs, I was elevated to my full reinstatement of W2.”
Garden Of Dreams
By Infinicorn

Pick a petal from the pot
of flowers that you never thought
you’d sow
Sprouted from the root of being,
never even quite believing
what you’d grow
Nourish it with love and water,
open up a little farther–
then you’ll know
Climb aboard the creeping vines
and they will intertwine with time,
you hope
Finally– you watch your garden
blossom with a silent ardor
you bestow
Leaves stretch high, your blooms ignite
with just a taste of sunlight
and you glow
See it now in all its glory
angled up in endless stories
that you wrote
Plant your garden, build your courage,
give yourself a little nourish,
and off you go
Habbo 2020 – Disaster or Triumph?
By coolchick1313

Habbo 2020 is a huge change for everyone. With changes come great responsibilities hence the NSC has some words for us. However, first lets go over what Habbo 2020 is, with the removal of Flash from all systems, what currently Habbo runs off, we have to move into a new Era. With this new Era we have some upcoming struggles and victories ahead of us. The new Hotel has many features which may not be up to our current standards of gameplay, we can only fight on with what we have. Upcoming we have the #SaveHabbo movement which across all Hotels have all come together in such unprecedented times for the common cause for Habbo.
For right now, what USDF is doing to prepare is changing scripts, preparing personnel and new recruits what to expect from Beta run throughs, guides and guiding personnel in the right direction and which path to follow. Habbo 2020 is scary and exciting- all mixed into one so here’s a few words from our Personnel on what they think of the new Habbo.
I asked: “”What are your thoughts on the upcoming Habbo 2020″
Here’s what they said!
I think that change is hard, especially when we’ve seen that the changes being made aren’t generally in the best interests of the actual users of Habbo, but nevertheless I’m optimistic and hopeful that the higher ups and developers will start to work with us eventually! Until then, we have to do what we’ve always done as a community; stick together and figure out how to adapt to this new environment! – Gen .:Kay-Paige:.
I’m trying my best to be optimistic about it – that’s my resolution for New Years to be more optimistic about things. I haven’t used it much yet, as I’ve been sticking to the old version, but I personally think everyone should give it a month of full launch before we all leave. – Ms. EspanolChica!
It will take some time getting used to and still needs some work. – MGySgt _Chat_Noir_
The upcoming new Habbo 2020 does not seem like the old one and it really is far from perfect. The game contain so many lags and has had some features removed and of course this is not better than the current one because of the negative changes having no real reason behind it. This new Habbo isn’t really a good one, especially for Habbo militaries and agencies- so I think it has to get fixed or Habbo will really have problems because of the players that will leave the game. – CWO5 ik-knowhoiam
It’s pretty early to tell in my opinion. I’m very interested to see how Sulake responds to the upcoming blackout. Overall though, of course it’s not where we want or need it to be right now, but we’ll adapt. We’re as organized as any military or agency out there, and we have so many driven people that genuinely care for the community that we are a part of. We’ll figure out how to keep things going as best as we can, while Sulake hopefully works with us to implement the changes we’ve been asking for. I received a couple of warnings from old friends in USDF while reinstating that it may be best to wait out Habbo2020 to see how things shake out, but in a way, adapting to what’s thrown at us presents its own sort of challenge, which I find intriguing in a way. We’d certainly prefer to not be faced with this, but it’s about controlling what you can control. If this is the situation we’re in, then we need to accept it, band together, and collaborate to make things work in the meantime. – ENS Grizzly_Adams
Still waiting for it to come on mobile, but I would say one word: DISASTER; Basically it’s 2020 itself but in a game. – LT KeiKano
I am quite optimistic for Habbo 2020, yes it has many downfall which we seem to think will be the end of the game, but I think with their small amount of developers we are giving them too hard a time. Don’t get the wrong thoughts, because I do believe that they are not doing the best job they can be, but at least they decided to continue the game we use and try and make it better. And in my opinion that’s all that matters. I’m excited to see where Habbo will go and will most definitely be continuing to play it in 2021. – Capt nick1x
NSC has this final thought for us:
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
What Does It Take To Succeed?
By krizzycat

Want to know how you can be a leader? In this article, I will bring you some views from your very own leaders and peers about how YOU can succeed within USDF!
Question 1: What are some tips to succeed in USDF?
“Get friends.” – CWO5 ThedueIist
“My tips for anyone who want to succeed in USDF, is to be patient for anything they are doing, never give up and keep trying, always ask others if they have anything on their mind or talk to them as their friend/command. Always be friendly and behave while in HQ and on any USDF platform!” – CWO5 Ik-knowhoiam
“Keep your head up and focus on reaching your goals, but don’t forget to ask for help along the way! USDF has so many fantastic initiatives for you to utilize. Shoot your mentor, HNCO, SWOA, XO, whomever, a DM if you need a hand or someone to talk to. You are never alone on this journey. Furthermore, if an opportunity arises; take it. Displaying to others that you are able to work professionally and can manage to be punctual with the tasks given to you allows everyone to see you are capable of holding more duties as you progress. USDF is a vast military with many dedicated personnel who are constantly fighting to be the best. With this comes a healthy amount of competition and ultimately more demand than there is supply. Always working hard and showing leadership that you are the best candidate for their position is an excellent way to be recognized by your future superiors.” – SgtMaj whoadies
“Build up your portfolio. Your experience is key to advance in USDF, especially when you aim to be a part of Command, they allow us to identify the best option you have in hand when you are met up with various scenarios. Not only that, it enables you to be different among others. If you were to choose between a candidate with minimal experience and another candidate with more experiences, you would, obviously, choose the latter. Perseverance. Often at times, the road to success is full of unexpected hardships, you might be doing well for the first few days and stumbled upon a (or even a few) mountain for the next few months, I usually call them ‘The Demotivating Mountain’. They are challenging to climb on, sometimes even pushing us to be at our limits consistently at times, causing us to give up whenever we fail. However, if you persevere and keep climbing, then you will realize the view at the top of the mountain is extremely rewarding.” – Capt KeiKano
“USDF is a wonderful place with wonderful people and even more wonderful opportunities! My biggest tip is to find something that interests you and can keep your motivation flowing. Set future goals for yourself whether it be a certain rank, office, or position. If you have something to work towards, your drive and determination will be never-ending. Also, Habbo is nothing without the community. Make a small group of close friends, or try to get to know everyone! Either way, my greatest advice is to give yourself a dream and make it happen.” – CWO2 XxBAMItsMadixX
Question 2: Time management and organization is very important. How can personnel improve on that?
“Write down what you have to do. If I get unorganised, I will write down to do lists. For example: Contact mentee, update the CMSAF, update the datasheet, etc. Regarding time management, you might have around 8 hours a day you can use as you please- however, some of us have work, school, chores, and all this other stuff. Work on prioritizing and finding a balance. Make a list of what you want to do and put it into sections. If you want to spend more time on one thing, then there might be less time to do something else, but when planning your time there will always be a day where you just want to do one thing, and then that is just how it is that day. If you plan a new list just add the things you didn’t get around to doing. In short make a list and follow the list as much as possible. Baby steps!” – CWO5 ThedueIist
“Personnel can improve on this by balancing their work in USDF and their irl so they can give time for irl and for Habbo. Utilize leaves or the reserve programs such as R1 and R2 when needed, use your time for whatever you feel needs it for real life situations. – CWO5 Ik-knowhoiam
“Work hard; play hard. Create and foster a healthy balance of work, and playtime for yourself. An imbalance in this only sets negative results in motion, so it’s essential to be transparent and honest with yourself. Be realistic about your schedule, and don’t be afraid to bring this up with your command team. If they don’t know, they can’t help you! Make a schedule for completing work at USDF, example: Google Calendars. Make sure to include breaks, so you don’t burn yourself out with the imbalance mentioned above. Keep everything organized in folders, name screenshots and documents so you can come back to it later if needed. Don’t allow work to build up as gradually you will become overwhelmed and most likely fall behind, which can lead you into a vicious whirlpool of demotivation.” – SgtMaj whoadies
“As a person who was suffering terribly from disorganization and weak time management, I strongly suggest:
- Using a planner / journal – Before my day starts, I will write down my task and prepare a schedule for the day.
- Your watch / clock is your best friend – if you immerse yourself into something way too easily, set a timer to remind you that you need a break or its time to move on to another task.
- Be disciplined! – It may be hard to restrict yourself at first, so this is where discipline comes into play. Self-discipline plays a vital role in time management and organization, they can either make yourself a better person, or make your self improvement plans go down the drain. So, you know what to do.
Here’s a tip: Put your priorities, such as assignments and errands, on the top of the list, followed by other tasks. Then throughout the day, add on any last minute/new tasks into your schedule and edit it accordingly. Remember to put in breaks so you don’t burn out! ” – Capt KeiKano
“Time management and organization are skills that will always change and grow, depending on your situation. Certain moments will be harder than others based on outside circumstances, and others will be an absolute breeze. The way to combat these trials is through preparation and intuition. Start with a basis: How many hours are you willing to dedicate to USDF? How many hours do you NEED to allot to your other day-to-day duties? The internet is an amazing place full of knowledge within YouTube videos, articles, and even just passing conversation! Use others’ wise words along with your understanding of self and you are sure to succeed!” – CWO2 XxBAMItsMadixX

The Libertarian Command Team would like to hear from YOU!
We have opened a Mailbox for all your comments, notes, suggestions and ideas. Make sure to keep an eye out for the Libertarian (announcements) for any changes or additions to the submissions we take!
Here are the things that you can submit:
Libertarian Game Submission
Do you have the million-dollar-answer to the current game hosted in the Libertarian? Watch the deadline in the publication closely!
General Feedback
What do you think about the Libertarian and it’s issues, what could be improved?
Theme and Topic Ideas
What do you want to see in future issues, what content are we missing? For either the Libertarian as a whole or to be used for Journalism/Graphics assignments.
Community Submissions
Submit an announcement, poster, graphic, article or shout out, as long as it is made by you and not part of any OPA assignments. Who knows, maybe your submission will be featured in a future Libertarian.
Please be wary that the preparations for each issue start way before the actual Libertarian is published. Therefore, it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for your idea to be implemented, if suitable. Use the form linked below to let us know your thoughts and ideas.
EDITORS | Aneha |
WRITERS | Aneha chiari.cord coolchick1313 Infinicorn krizzycat MrReeceM RusticPenguin |
DESIGNERS | BoomyJR (Cover) Aneha (Layout) |
ARTISTS | ardnaxela chiari.cord Infinicorn midgetbella PeUS. RusticPenguin |
Thank you for reading the Libertarian!
We hope you enjoyed this issue, and we’re looking forward to seeing you next month!