No. | Article | Section | Author |
0 | Introduction | Special | Connor78127 |
1 | Behind the Leaders | Exclusive | :MariaMint: |
2 | A Snapshot into USDF | Special | ggiisshh |
3 | Life of a Diplomat | Interview | ggiisshh |
4 | Living Through a Pandemic | Exclusive | Aneha |
by Connor78127
With another month comes another Libertarian edition, this month is slightly shorter to account for a very special event that I’m sure you’re all preparing for. Our theme for May is “Hall of Fame” – and in keeping with this theme, we take a look at some of our most prominent leaders, and highlight an Office which represents us to the groups floor.
Throughout this edition, as always, our talented graphic designers and artists have produced a multitude of visual content to complement the articles written for your entertainment. We’re extremely proud of our team and the work they’ve completed – and I hope you enjoy the Libertarian, as well as everything OPA has to offer over the coming months.
Behind the Leaders
by :MariaMint:
Our leaders – who are they? What do they do? You may not always see them around HQ, or actively speaking in Discord, but behind the scenes they are just as busy and active as ourselves. In this article, I will be diving deeper into what their roles entail along with EXCLUSIVE interviews with five of the greatest leaders in the United States Defense Force.
Artwork By KeiKano
Question 1. When did you join USDF? Tell me a little bit about your career here.
I joined early 2018, I think it was February or March. When I initially joined, I was a bit lost, but quickly managed to fit in and didn’t know where to apply. My mentor asked me about my interests, so I waited until I was at the right rank and got into OJSIG. I spent some time there and later on became the CMSAF and then elevated to SWOAAF. After some months of service, I applied for OCS and graduated to become an AD in OISA. I had to retire at the time, things weren’t the best for me in real, so I wanted to take a break. When I came back, I applied for the office I was most interested in, which was ONSI (which later became STRATCOM and now SOCOM). I joined as a regular member, then gained a command position in early 2019 and that’s how my journey in this portfolio began.
Question 2. What motivated you to work at USDF?
The strictness and sense of community. You walk into other places and everyone is all over the place, but not in USDF, there’s uniformity. My opinion surrounding many other places on Habbo has changed over time and quite frankly, I feel that this is the most consistent environment out of them all. Today, I’m motivated by everyone else’s best interest to stay here.
Question 3. What is some helpful advice that you’ve picked up along the way?
Stay focused on your goals and keep your head down but don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance. It’s never “weird” or “wrong” to be open about your concerns. Speaking up helps us to know how to be of assistance in order to help you.
Question 4. What makes you a great leader?
Well, I’ll answer your question in the sense of what makes anyone a great leader. To lead, you first have to learn to follow. I think a great leader is someone that’s capable of guiding you to finding answers, solutions and methods on your own. They teach you how to be a leader and guide you to what you are after without just giving it to you. They look out for others, they have a strong sense of tact and are very capable of guidance and direction.
Question 5. How have your experiences within USDF affected your real life?
I don’t think most of my personal experiences have affected me in the real world simply because the fields I were involved in throughout my time here didn’t apply out there. I can say I’ve learned a lot about management, leadership and various different concepts that are integrated in a military simulation that could be applied in the real world easily. Some examples would be; how to articulate formal letters to superiors in a professional workplace, how to coordinate multiple efforts and how to manage expectations and tasks along with it. There’s always underlying benefits from USDF — or even games in general.
Question 6. What advice would you give to potential OCS applicants?
OCS is the start of a completely different journey where you either make your mark or not. My advice would be: don’t cheat, don’t stress, don’t get ahead of yourself and don’t let the power go to your head and change you. The minute you receive your commission is the same minute a tremendous amount of responsibility befalls you. You either do something great with it or you abuse and lose it. Study up, focus, don’t get carried away and don’t feel demotivated if you fail to be admitted entry. If you don’t fail once in your entire career, at any point, then chances are you’re not doing it right. Value your position and rank, value those around you and follow orders when they’re given.
Artwork By KeiKano
Question 1. When did you join USDF? Tell me a little bit about your career here.
I joined USDF originally back in 2005 when we were labeled USDF Army. Over time, I’ve been a part of many militaries that were developed and owned by Sycron including USN and DEPTNAV, which originally was the grounds for this military in this era.
Question 2. What motivated you to work at USDF?
I’ve always had an interest in militaries, and Habbo back then was a developing game, and so as the game developed, so would we. We always found niches and ideas that kept interest and peaked innovation. I guess the drive to continue to be the best in a community of a lot of people kept my drive alive. Reece (Sycron) was also a driving force forward, and it was always a pleasure to work under him.
Question 3. What is some helpful advice that you’ve picked up along the way?
I’ve seen so many people leave, and then come back when they realize how unique and awesome USDF is. My advice is that you keep with it and don’t quit! You will go through good and bad times, but those who prevail through all of it will be rewarded in the end. Don’t give up! It’s so frustrating seeing people come back at a lower rank because they couldn’t be rational about what happened. They could have even recovered from it by the time they returned.
Question 4. What makes you a great leader?
I think what makes me a great leader and what makes ANYONE a great leader is if they display attributes that show your subordinates that you care. It’s very easy to tell when someone fakes doing this because they display traits that are not genuine. Finally, someone who is humble, and doesn’t ask anyone to do something that they themselves would not do.
Question 5. How have your experiences within USDF affected your real life?
That’s a very simple answer. I believe that the experiences within USDF have allowed me to learn traits such as leadership that I can apply to everyday situations. The biggest trait I have learned here though is empathy. You learn that your life may not be the best, but in some situations it’s way better than someone else’s situation. You learn compassion by hearing and seeing things that you would hope no one ever has to go through, and being rewarded when you see that individual succeed. Don’t take anything for granted.
Question 6. What advice would you give to potential OCS applicants?
Ahh the dreaded OCS. Again… don’t give up. So many variables change between each month when OCS comes around. One month you could have 30 applicants and a very hard test in terms, and the next month you could have 10 applicants and a relatively more forgiving test. It’s going to take a few times. If you come in with the understanding that you tried your best and you continue to do so, your patience will pay off. DEFINITELY don’t overreact and quit, as that doesn’t help anyone in any situation.
Artwork By KeiKano
Question 1. When did you join USDF? Tell me a little bit about your career here.
I joined 16 APR 2017 and came in as a WO SEL. After quite some time (2 times, actually) at USM, I left Habbo militaries, I more or less stopped coming on Habbo. I came back and joined USDF on a whim, really – I decided to transfer to see what I could get and how I’d work in a different environment. I was very much full-on foreign affairs during my time in USM and had always been aware of DEPTNAV at the time. Things clicked, really – you can see the extent of this “clicking” on USDF position history tables. I came in as a W4 and was interviewed for OJSIG during my Selectee term and given a soft offer. From there, things seemed to only go up: XO ONAVIG and CMC AA under the wonderful .Smash and then DNAVIG. Eventually, an interesting opportunity presented itself. I had intentionally avoided foreign affairs this time around, but the AD spot in OISA opened up which I applied for, received and later became ASD ISA. During my terms, I secured a bunch of recognition (a lot of these lasted for a little bit!) and was working really hard to improve relations with MinDef. After my time as ASD ISA, I was called up to PDUSD P. Hands down, I loved this role. After quite some time, I was offered CMC – a position I held for, well, not as long as I would have liked, but I was called to DOT&E. From there, I was the first USD ED. Then I moved to USD P which is easily my favorite OSD position (OPOLICY BOIIIII). Then, a decision was made to bring OJSIG and OJAG together under one portfolio (something that’s not been done in a hot minute), and I had the honor of being USDF’s first Attorney General. I ran a few high profile investigations (shhh… secret!). The lovely KP decided to move on and I was selected to replace her as CJCS. And here we are… I’ve learned a lot from working closely with my chiefs and having the opportunity to have great EA’s (thanks Atropureus and Xzao), and who could forget our wonderful SEACs (Alyss, Yulkan, and now relaxziggy)! Who knows what’s next?
Question 2. What motivated you to work at USDF?
To be quite honest, I’m motivated by the work itself, as well as my own success. If I see something I want to apply myself to, I’ll go as far as I can until I can’t anymore – it’s gotten me many command positions all over USDF and has carried me to NSC. I am also a firm believer in “work now, play later” and all sorts of other meaningless little sayings. People who have spoken with me as DOT&E/USD ED and anything regarding any sort of EOI feedback know that one of my biggest driving questions is “so what?” I use this with others the same way I use it with myself – everything we do has a purpose, what is that purpose? In a largely text-based military simulation, I also think a big part of it is having fun. When you stop having fun, you’ve lost. I fear this response doesn’t give a full look at my motivations, but I’m always open to discuss these things with those that approach me. If you’re feeling like you need to fine-tune your motivation or need to look at things from another perspective and need help, feel free to reach out (hit up my EA and I’ll get to you as soon as I’m able to).
Question 3. What is some helpful advice that you’ve picked up along the way?
I often find myself on the other end of this question, but I would say one thing that has been mentioned to me when I’ve deliberated between career moves. Never close doors that open for you without taking a peek or, more simply, don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. Normally there’s a reason the doors are opening. Whether it’s a “positive” or a “negative”, look at it closely and weigh your options. For those of you that like lists, write out the pros and cons. A good example here would be from my short-lived experience as CMC. I loved my time as CMC, but I was asked to take DOT&E – at the end of the day, I am willing to put my faith in my superiors and am open-minded about new opportunities. The worst case is that you don’t enjoy the new role, but you still expand your toolkit, right?
Question 4. What makes you a great leader?
I don’t like tooting my horn much (which I guess could be an answer in itself), but I would say my overall easy-going personality, communication skills, and my real life experiences all play well into my work in USDF. I do a lot of support work in my real job (for about 170 people), so something like this is actually enjoyable for me as it allows me to kind of roleplay my own in real job. To be quite honest, I often apply things from my job to USDF and things from USDF to my real job. Something I’ve been working more on is bringing the human aspect to what I do. Sometimes, it is really easy to simply go by the book, cut-and-dry, bish bash bosh. The thing I learned, mainly as AG and also as CJCS so far, is that sometimes there can be a lot more that goes into something than simply following the rulebook, issuing disciplinary action, and hoping that person doesn’t resent you forever or, even worse, leave USDF. We are all here to have fun and USDF, like it or not, offers a lot of learning moments too. I strive to be the best mentor I can be in these moments – we all make mistakes. Our mistakes don’t define us and they don’t break our career if we don’t let them.
Question 5. How have your experiences within USDF affected your real life?
I’ve somewhat addressed this in my previous answer – in brief I would say that my leadership skills carry over in both directions. USDF is a great sandbox for me to learn more about working with others (especially those younger than I), while my job in real life allows me to test things in a professional realm and make comparisons. It’s quite fascinating, really, how much we can use in both spaces.
Question 6. What advice would you give to potential OCS applicants?
JT’s golden advice for OCS applicants. Ask yourself at – Every. Single. Step. – SO WHAT? You have a word limit. You have all of OSD+ reading your EOI. Be concise, but informative. Every single thing you mention in your EOI must have a purpose, or else it’s a waste of your word limit. Experience that seems unrelated? Find a way to relate it or just briefly list it and leave it at that. Evidence of work? Pick things that have a purpose and find a way to make that purpose clear. Before you submit anything, try reading it out loud. Listen for awkwardness. We read with our inside voices – so does OSD+ when grading. If you can’t hook and sell yourself to yourself, then keep working at it. Get feedback from others and DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.
Artwork By KeiKano
Question 1. When did you join USDF? Tell me a little bit about your career here.
I joined USDF in July 2016 as a Warrant Officer Selectee. I got bumped to Officer Selectee after completing {W} and I was commissioned at the end of August. I had come from a military where I’d spent over a year as the equivalent to DMP, and subsequently DMP was my goal here in USDF. Instead, I found a home within OOT&E. I became CMDT OCS and then became DOT&E in November of 2016. After that, the rest was OSD history.
Question 2. What motivated you to work at USDF?
I wanted to be in an environment that was fun and welcoming. USDF wasn’t like anything else that existed – it was a powerhouse. The officers here opened their arms to me and accepted me. USDF was the perfect place to challenge myself and grow as a person. I was motivated by my want to help others. USDF helped me through a difficult time in my life and gave me a solid core group of friends.
Question 3. What is some helpful advice that you’ve picked up along the way?
Don’t compare yourself to others!!!! I stress this to everyone that comes to me for advice. Everyone’s path here is different. Progression doesn’t happen in a set time. People will progress on their own terms. Everyone from E1 to NSC is important in this community, so enjoy the experience you are making at your current rank and position.
Question 4. What makes you a great leader?
I don’t think I’m great at anything per se. I always say that a great leader does more than just lead. A great leader is a teacher, role model, mentor, shoulder to cry on, and friend. I think I’m good at my position because I genuinely care about everyone that works here – I want everyone to succeed and do well. You’re all the future of USDF, not me.
Question 5. How have your experiences within USDF affected your real life?
Honestly, this community has taught me a lot. I’ve learned to see things from different perspectives and I’ve learned to listen to all sides of the story before jumping to a conclusion. I’ve also learned that everyone goes through hardships – the only way to get through them is to lean on your community. We are stronger together than we are alone!
Question 6. What advice would you give to potential OCS applicants?
Don’t give up! I know people who made OSD and JSD who didn’t get into OCS the first few times they applied. Senior command is here to help those who don’t get in, even me. I will always review an EOI or give exam tips.
Artwork By KeiKano
Question 1. When did you join USDF? Tell me a little bit about your career here.
I had to check PTS for this, but I first enlisted in May 2017. I wouldn’t call that my official join date as I only explored a bit before I had to resign not long after. More memorably, I reinstated during Christmas that same year where I made wonderful memories during the festive period. My career in USDF has been a very fortunate one. I say fortunate because I am very lucky to have had several mentors and friends along the way to guide and advise me. I love diversity and keeping things fresh, so I have taken up many different positions during my time here – such as DDA&M, DOT&E, CSAF and more.
Question 2. What motivated you to work at USDF?
I absolutely love the way this organization operates and its people, which is what motivates me to work here. It is difficult to find another agency/military in Habbo where you enter the HQ, and people are so focussed on filling up every single position 24/7. The dedication every personnel puts into this place motivates me to continue staying with such a wonderful community.
Question 3. What is some helpful advice that you’ve picked up along the way?
I’ll just directly quote what the previous Attorney General Big_Grandad said before in an interview. It pretty much encapsulates everything I believe in regards to USDF. “It’s the skills that you develop, the memories you make, the lessons that you learn – these are things that actually matter. Getting promoted is just a bonus. When you learn to look at USDF that way, you’ll really go far. Don’t be greedy.” Like many, I used to be down when I was overlooked for promotions or medals, especially at parades. But I’ve learned this from the above quote: take it easy. Use USDF as a platform to create happy moments. Oh, and also another bit of advice a retired Senior Command officer Axovante used to repeat: “Be nice and treat everyone equally. Being of a higher rank/position doesn’t make you superior when we are all the same behind our screens.”
Question 4. What makes you a great leader?
I think something that makes me stand out as a leader is that I am never afraid to learn new things. You can throw me into an office or position that I have never been in before, and I will still confidently learn the ropes to do my best. This makes me a very versatile leader, which is much needed in USDF, where we have people moving around the ranks frequently.
Question 5. How have your experiences within USDF affected your real life?
Wow, USDF experiences have had a crazy impact on my real life. Let’s start with the Grammar Nazis who have corrected my weird English expression mistakes in EOIs and scripts, and helped me improve in the language. I have also been able to pick up so many skills on Google sheets, which eventually helped me at school. If you are someone who is new to BBCode and Google Sheets before joining USDF like me, don’t be afraid to ask more experienced peers and learn! There are several other ways USDF experiences have affected my real life such as improving my critical thinking and communication skills. But most importantly, USDF created a wonderful community for me where I am able to seek refuge when real life is being a pain.
Question 6. What advice would you give to potential OCS applicants?
To potential OCS applicants… Definitely try out the OSP&C Officer Shadow Program. I have said this before, if you want to apply for OCS, you should experience shadowing an officer in HQ at least once. There is knowledge that comes from observing how an officer leads the HQ that cannot be gained from studying the RTP threads. Another bit of advice, don’t be disheartened if you don’t make it in the first, second, third or more times, keep trying! Very often, it’s those who keep pushing and make a breakthrough that stay the longest that ultimately have the best careers. I have quite fixed, but useful tips for all CWO5s that come to me. Review and review your EOIs, get experienced officers to review them too. For the Entrance Exam, read the questions carefully and make sure you think in the shoes of an officer.
Overall, our leaders work hard to give us the best experience we can have at USDF; without them we would be nothing. So, next time you think about those FEAT Scripts you use, or those regulations you check up on – think of our leaders, the ones that created those exact scripts and regulations. Use this as your inspiration to strive for greatness and to better yourself. I hope you enjoyed this exclusive article featuring five of our many spectacular leaders; TheRealMatrix, Watch4Me, jtfb4, .Smash, and PearIyn.
A Snapshot into USDF
by ggiisshh
USDF is one big family and just like any other family, many of our personnel have made memories, had proud moments, faced challenges and experienced many things they won’t forget. I have asked a few of our members a couple questions that reflect their most cherished moments.
We all deserve happiness, fun and to experience friendships that will last a lifetime, and one way to appreciate the great moments is to reflect on them. I asked people, what has been the highlight of their USDF career so far and why? How did it make them feel when it happened and how were they affected by their moments, with their current positions or time throughout USDF?
SSG hakateach:
“Joining OPA and getting to meet some awesome friends through the office, it gave me a ‘group’ to belong to in USDF. Joining an office has helped me grow in USDF because I am able to do so much more, contribute to ideas and keep up high spirits throughout USDF.”
MGySgt applesmasher:
“Being selected to be OHNCO for OPA. I got tons of great experience in understanding command positions at USDF, and it gave me a chance to lead and showcase my skills. I think this affected my current position by giving me a new appreciation for how much work it really is to be in command here. It gave me confidence in my abilities.”
Sgt Ace:.Samantha:.:
“When I was promoted to Sergeant. It made me feel accomplished and excited for the future. This will affect me throughout my time at USDF because it shows me that by being involved, active and working hard, others will notice and you will progress.”
SgtMaj -Mythology?:
“Being appointed HCNO TECOM for OJFD. I was very excited to be given the opportunity to lead so many Marines in this office. This is a very positive highlight for me because it has allowed me to help a lot of NCO’s in OJFD and help others continue to strive for success. It definitely has changed my perspective on many things around USDF, and has given me the chance to experience what it’s like being part of the command for the largest office within USDF. This position has allowed me to understand the work and efforts that goes into managing such a large office.”
PO1 kms.jpg:
“Well, although I am still new at USDF, I would have to say getting into OPA was one of the highlights of my current career. Being able to show my creativity really makes me feel great, and the personnel in this office are so kind! I think the positive surroundings will help me feel comfortable applying for command positions.”
CWO2 freshtropicana:
“I think I’d have to say joining OISA has so far been the highlight of my fairly brief career at the USDF. OISA has really prepared me, it’s bettered my writing skills, my diplomatic abilities and most importantly, my conduct. I’ve made an abundance of friends through this office primarily because of its duties, but also because it just trains you in such a way to be outgoing and very communicative with those around you. I’ve grown to be more outgoing like I mentioned, I’ve taken upon a mentorship role in OISA which allows me to help the future of OISA prosper and be educated to high standards.”
CWO4 MyNamesNotJay:
“The first time I applied and received a command position. I definitely felt a sense of achievement as I had been in the office for quite some time and got the position. This has definitely affected me into actually beginning to write EOIs for positions and apply for more than just an office and encouraged me to take chances.”
“Being SgtMajMC, where I met my very very close friend Etobuya. The position really taught me how to make new friends, overcome hard situations, and make better judgement when it’s required. It really has taught me what to expect and what not to expect in a command position. I don’t want a lot of things at USDF, I just want to have fun, and allow others to have fun with me. We’re a big family after-all.”
USDF has been like a family to me for a while now, and I truly believe it can really help with specific struggles we all face! It has been a common comment throughout this article that experiences have a huge impact on our lives, USDF journey and happiness. It is important that everyone shares these experiences so that we can belong and make friends. Don’t forget, we have services if you are ever feeling demotivated, stressed or just need someone to talk to.
Life of a Diplomat
by ggiisshh
This month we decided to spotlight OISA as the office which represents USDFs place in Habbo’s “Hall of Fame”. Doing so, we took a deep dive into Foreign Affairs. Have you ever been interested in other militaries, agencies, organizations, or have thought about applying for OISA? For this article, I practically became an OISA member for a month and went to look at different events, important meetings, and so much more!
One of the main forms of communication a member of OISA utilizes is in person conversing and Discord. Through their interactions and duties, they have gained many useful skills that have made them an integral part of USDF as our representatives when promoting relations. While on one of my forign affairs trips around Habbo, I noticed that our OISA members were greeted with welcome arms as they entered other organizations. They are well respected, professional and it became obvious they were a part of something greater. So what are our diplomats thoughts regarding OISA and their duties?
CW5 ,-Oriana:
“OISA is a family. We explore together, we strive together and we succeed together.”
CWO5 Williamh14:
“OISA is where you get to bridge allies and organizations into one, and learn more about how other organizations operate.”
CWO4 SouljaBo2:
“We are a strong community that attempts to involve everyone in their actions.”
MCPO kaznonix:
“OISA is about communication, building relationships, a positive atmosphere and external affairs!”
SCPO OfficerLarry:
“OISA, the glue that holds USDF in a relationship!”
I discovered that OISA is also a part of and tracks many important events that occur within other organizations. Throughout the month of April, the following have really stood out to me, and shows just how active and hard working the office of OISA is!
- US Marines closes
- White House gets a new Secretary of State
- Royal Navy had a new TFD appointed
- White House got a new Secretary of Defense
- Ministry of Magic had their House Cup Ceremony
- GD Corporation Peace Treaty
- Interpol got a new HQ
- New UN Football Team
- HabboFest Agency re-opened
- Another foreign alliance created in RN_HQ
These are a wide range of events that show the details of what OISA keeps track of and gets involved in from month to month. You can find the full thread with more details on the forums under Announcements.
One of my favorite events that I had the opportunity to attend was the USDF & HIA Alliance 2 Year Anniversary! The event started off with an overall look at our diplomatic relationship with them. Then HIA personnel, under their communications wing, took over and shared more milestones! This event truly showed me how important it is to focus on our relations with other organizations and the impact these relationships have across Habbo. I feel as if OISA creates that unique bond with other agencies, militaries, and groups to make USDF such an iconic organization. While talking with all their diplomats, command, and fellow organizations, everyone seems to come to the same conclusion that OISA is a bridge that USDF will always need and love.
Living Through A Pandemic
by Aneha
We’re a quarter of the way through 2020 and over half of the world is on lockdown due to a deadly virus that has spread to almost every country, infecting hundreds of thousands. As our lives are thrown into a downward spiral, healthcare systems overrun, economies crashing and public spaces being emptied, we can’t help but wonder what comes next. The disease is on a scale that most living people have never witnessed and the effects of this virus have already left an imprint on the world.
For years, governments and health organizations ran simulations and wrote procedures for advanced planning in preparation for total lockdown during a pandemic, but no one was ready for COVID-19. Hypotheticals became reality as people were forced to self-isolate, jobs were lost, people were separated and the very stability of our future was catapulted into uncertainty. People began to wonder how they’d afford to live and as fear of the unknown created chaos, people began stockpiling necessities like doomsday preppers.
America was one of the last countries to implement direction as they failed to track the epidemiology of the disease across the states and biomedical testing did very little for containment. The lack of tracking created a domino effect of hospitals being unable to implement pandemic plans, and already at full capacity, they were slammed by the flu season and inability to surge elsewhere. Resources and staff, already stretched thin, will soon be unable to service the exponential growth in cases, and eventually triage protocols will be the nation’s last hope. Healthcare workers may be forced to save those who have a higher chance of survival, most likely the young, with few pre-existing conditions and the potential to contribute to society in the future.
As horrific as this may seem, each and every one of us can influence the outcome of this potential future. Whilst healthcare workers are serving on the front line, you all play a vital role in the battle against COVID-19. By self-isolating, practicing social distancing, and hand hygiene, you can protect the world – by protecting yourself. Support your community, ensure that your neighbors are safe, only buy what is needed so that others don’t go without. What you do today, tomorrow and the next will be one small turning point, but what we can all achieve together will create change. We are all cogs in a larger machine working together to play our part in the grand scheme of things. As death takes its toll, it leaves scars on all of us, some more than others, but one thing I know for sure is that we are all part of the hall of fame when we play our part for the greater good.
We must adjust to our new reality in these surreal circumstances. There are positive outcomes that have emerged from the effects of the virus. You now have more time for self-care, time with family and a well-earned break from work. We can take this opportunity to push the reset button on parts of our lives, because I can tell you now, the world sure has. Isolation has significantly reduced air pollution such as carbon emissions due to reduced industrial activity from transport, manufacturing and construction. This has resulted in blue skies over Delhi, clear water in the Venice canals and wild animals roaming freely. Although these are hard times, take a moment to appreciate the positives, for even the smallest amount of happiness, can turn to hope.
The outbreak of the virus varies from country to country depending on the disease dynamics, response to containment, social distancing restrictions, testing, and implemented public health measures. Although rates of infection have begun to decrease in several regions, it is still too soon to tell whether these trends will be sustained. As restrictions lift in some countries, there is an increased risk of re-contamination and spread from those who still remain infected. China, Italy and Germany have seen cases increase with restrictions softening, so let this be evidence to us all, we are still months from getting back to where we used to be. The future can depend on what you choose to do today. Be safe, be wise and save the world.
We have opened a Mailbox for all your comments, notes, suggestions and ideas. Make sure to keep an eye out for the Libertarian (announcements) for any changes or additions to the submissions we take!
Here are the things that you can submit:
Libertarian Game Submission
Do you have the million-dollar-answer to the current game hosted in the Libertarian? Watch the deadline in the publication closely!
General Feedback
What do you think about the Libertarian and it’s issues, what could be improved?
Theme and Topic Ideas
What do you want to see in future issues, what content are we missing? For either the Libertarian as a whole or to be used for Journalism/Graphics assignments.
Community Submissions
Submit an announcement, poster, graphic, article or shout out, as long as it is made by you and not part of any OPA assignments. Who knows, maybe your submission will be featured in a future Libertarian.
Please be wary that the preparations for each issue start way before the actual Libertarian is published. Therefore, it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for your idea to be implemented, if suitable. Use the form linked below to let us know your thoughts and ideas.
EDITORS | Aneha Connor78127 Zathios |
WRITERS | Aneha Connor78127 ggiisshh :MariaMint: |
DESIGNERS | lemony18 (Cover) Zathios (Layout) |
ARTISTS | Infinicorn J-Naut KeiKano midgetbella TraidKelly |
Thank you for reading the Libertarian!
We hope you enjoyed this issue, and we’re looking forward to seeing you next month!