Base Wars, July 1 – Interviews
by LaurenMae
Our first ever game to kick off the Branch Wars month was Base Wars with all our branches, it was a tense, nerve-wracking but exciting event all at the same time. Emotions were high as everyone was pumped with adrenaline as this is the moment they had been waiting for, Branch Wars! I did interviews with some of our finest, pro players in each branch who participated and watched our first ever game of the Branch Wars month, with Marines bringing the win home!
I first spoke to 2ndLt candykitten22 from Marines for our interview.
“Base Wars was the first game of BW, so I think it went really well, everyone was super excited and eager to start. It was nice seeing other branches trying their hardest to also win each round, and being able to see how their practices help them to be able to play the game”. – 2ndLt, candykitten22.
“How do you think Marines did in Base Wars?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“Marines did extremely well in Base Wars, we won overall by winning the first 2 rounds, then becoming 2nd or 3rd in the final round, which didn’t matter for us since we knew we had already secured the win. Having people who are good at mazing is an advantage as they’re able to freely move on the rollers and understand how to not die instantly. But ultimately making sure we just enjoyed ourselves in the game regardless of the outcome, but taking the win made it just that extra bit special.” – 2ndLt candykitten22.
“How were Marines brought together as a team?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“We are brought together as a team, by having our BW practices and making sure we know how these games work before any BW match, but also we do just play games in general as a branch whenever and with whoever is available. Our Marines channel is always popping off, there really is never a dull moment. While any match/game is going on, we can also be seen on the VC together. We also take Marines photos in HQ, which you may have seen us. This brings all the Marines together as a branch and a team to ensure no one else feels left out in whatever we’re doing.” – 2ndLt candykitten22.
“Lastly, how did Marines feel about winning?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“Marines felt great about winning, especially with it being our first BW match, we truly felt like we had acknowledged who would strive at this game and be able to secure the win for us. So it was nice seeing that our practice time came in handy and just seeing everyone enjoy themselves as a whole, but I mean MCBC, so we knew we would win since we are the best!”. – 2ndLt, candykitten22.
Some very strong and powerful words from our 2ndLt, candykitten22!
Next up, I interviewed CDR, ChickenFajita, from the Navy.
“How did you feel about the Base Wars game in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“It was… different. When I thought of Base Wars, this particular version was not what I had thought it was going to be. However, I did enjoy playing it.” – CDR, ChickenFajita,.
“How do you think the Navy did in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“The Navy did quite well, in my opinion. To my knowledge, we did not ever practice Base Wars prior to playing. For us to come third (I believe), was quite impressive if you ask me.” – CDR, ChickenFajita,.
It seems it was different to how some expected it to be, but it was great that people enjoyed playing like CDR, ChickenFajita, did.
My third out of fourth interview was with USDF’s ASD SP&C, Asuno, who is from the Army.
“How did you feel about the Base Wars game in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“I remember the Base Wars game being a great opener to BW’s 2022 as we could see all the branches competing against one another. The atmosphere in the room was lively and everyone was cheering for their respective branches.” – ASD SP&C, Asuno.
“How do you think the Army did in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“I think the Army did really well! Even though we lost the matches, everyone was still cheering and motivating one another. I really enjoyed the positivity from the soldiers.” – ASD SP&C, Asuno.
“What do you think brought the Army together as a team?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“The Army command team did a really good job emphasizing sportsmanship to the soldiers. Win or lose, as long as everyone enjoyed themselves. Though we lost the matches, I’m sure we won with motivation and sportsmanship.” – ASD SP&C, Asuno.
“You personally, how did you feel when you were playing?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“Very exhilarating! Yet nerve-wracking. It felt like the branch was counting on me and Hunter to win so we were putting in our best efforts to clinch the match.” – ASD SP&C, Asuno.
Some great, motivational words from our very own ASD SP&C, Asuno.
My last interview was with CWO5 Lady Voldie, from the Air Force.
“How did you think the Base Wars game went in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“Well I think it went okay, it was a bit confusing at first.” – CWO5, LadyVoldie.
“Do you think there is anything the Air Force could have improved on at all?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“Yes, defending. Some people simply just went to attack the others, which wasn’t always a good plan.” – CWO5, LadyVoldie.
Some simple, yet, constructive words here from CWO5 LadyVoldie from the Air Force.
This concludes the interviews with our first ever game of 2022 Branch Wars, there are plenty more games and competitions to come throughout the month of July, so ensure to stay tuned! Who will take the next win?
Football, July 1 – Army BRRR’s Their Way To Victory Over Air Force!
by Sandslash53
The Army Rangers took home the win over the Air Force Falcons during the second football match of Branch Wars. Refereed by SgtMajMC imstretch4, the Ranger’s fielded CPL Syndulla, MSG Lawlite, SGM johndarryl13, CW3 Oishi., and CW5 SoldierX16 as their starting lineup against the Falcons’ starting lineup of CWO3 RossIsFriendly, CWO4 TrizepsJohann, CWO5 LadyVoldie, Capt Motivoi, and Capt Mankles. CPL Syndulla started the match off with the first score, netting an unassisted goal from the sidelines, and scored a second goal shortly after from the opposite sidelines. CW3 Oishi. would score again, bringing the score to 3-0 at the end of the first half.
The Falcons sought to reverse their fortunes in the second half, but those hopes were dashed by another Ranger goal from CSM Rassk. The Falcons tried to bring it back with a late goal, bringing it to 3-1 by Capt Mankles, the clear Falcons MVP, but they were unable to succumb the Falcon lead. Final score, 7-1 Rangers.
I had the pleasure of sitting down with SGM johndarryl13, the Rangers’ goalkeeper. SGM johndarryl13 told me that the Rangers’ overall feelings going onto the pitch were a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “Since we practiced a lot before the actual match, once we laid our feet on the field, we knew he had to bring our A-game.” SGM johndarryl13 said that the Rangers were worried to go up against the Devil Dogs, but were ready. “Since the Marines have a lot of Ex-Titan players, we are a little worried. But so far, we intend to stick to our original strategy: Teamwork, anticipation, counting, aggression, and overall having fun.”
The Branch Wars will be continuing throughout the month of July with additional games and events hosted throughout.
Football, July 2 – Marines Kick-Off Branch Wars With A Win Over Navy!
by Sandslash53
The Marine Devil Dogs won a hard fought victory over the Navy Seals during the early morning football match, winning 3-1. The first half of the match was fought to a stand still, leading the second half to opening at 0-0. However, the Devil Dogs kicked the half off with a bang, with GOMC IWasLike,WHAT?! scoring an unassisted goal. Shortly after the Navy Seals answered with one of their own, as CWO5 chris81258 scored an unassisted goal of his own, bringing the score to 1-1. This was the last of the Navy Seals’ goals, as the Devil Dogs scored two additional goals during extra time, both put in by SgtMajMC imstretch4. Along with the other Branch War events thus far, this puts the Marines in the lead with 6 points, and the Navy dead last at 1.5 points.
CPO Fizzer, one of the Navy Seals’ players in the match, sat down with me to discuss the Navy’s performance in the football match, and the Branch Wars overall. CPO Fizzer expressed that he was a little nervous leading into the game, but the time practicing helped. “While at practice I felt very nervous because I haven’t played football before. But the members helped me a lot and afterwards we talked about it together. That feeling definitely went away and I felt very confident.” Despite the loss, CPO Fizzer said the Navy Seals were taking it well. “We were definitely chill about it, everyone is thanking each other and we will try our best on the next Branch War game. Personally, it was a great experience despite the outcome.” When asked about the Navy’s poor start to the Branch Wars, CPO Fizzer was optimistic. “We’re trying our best to practice for the next freeze and CTF game. Hopefully we’ll be able to get to 2nd or 3rd afterwards.”
I was also able to sit down with SSgt Swarts, a Devil Dog who was able to watch the match. Ssgt Swarts said that he was pumped to watch the ending, especially the two extra time goals. When asked what he thought about the double score from SgtMajMC imstretch4, SSgt Swarts said, “Well what can I say that’s my boy out there. I knew he could pull it off. No sweat.” When asked if he was at all worried about a Navy comeback during extra time, SSgt Swarts had a simple answer, “Not at all”. When asked about the Marines’ performance in the Branch Wars thus far, SSgt Swarts was confident. “Well, being a devil dog myself, I think it’s excellent. More to come from us. We’re coming for them.”
The Branch Wars will be continuing throughout the month of July with additional games and events hosted throughout.
Freeze, July 2 – Rangers Bag Chilling Victory vs Marines!
by Sandslash53
July 2nd brought the Army Rangers and the Marine Devil Dogs head to head in the freeze field tundra. The Devil Dogs and the Rangers sought to extend their winning streaks in their respective football matches.
The first round saw the Rangers dominating with three players to the Devil Dogs’, but a series of mistakes led to the Rangers only winning by a single life.
Round two saw both teams suffering several friendly fire incidents that led to eliminations. However, the Rangers were able to come out on top, eliminating all Marine opponents.
The final round saw the Rangers again come out on top with an impressive five-life lead. Final score, 3-0 Army Rangers.
All throughout the game, the Marines were visibly nervous.
“We were missing some essential players for that game, so the confidence was not all there. Even though we did not have all the confidence, we still felt like we had a fighting chance and could easily take the win from the match, but sadly that was not the case,” CWO5 Combined-Union said.
He also hypothesized that preparation was their central sticking point.
“Many of us were new to ‘freeze game’, so not everyone understood how the game worked and strategies to take home a win.”
“We were distracted by outside sources, and our communication was not great that night,” he added.
On the bright side, CWO5 Combined-Union was confident with his branch during the Devil Dogs and Rangers’ head-to-head match at Football.
“Army stands no chance during the football match. We have the best players and have spent countless hours training. Football is one of our strong suits, and I am confident we will win with no issues.”
Danger Zone, July 3, Marines vs Army – Interviews
by LaurenMae
Danger Zone, Marines vs Army. An intense, exhilarating and competitive game between two of the most competitive branches there is. I did interviews with two of the best players from each branch, SGT -Trivium and MVP of the game, CWO2 PeUS, let’s see what they have to say.
Firstly, I spoke to our MVP of the game, CWO2 PeUS.
“How did you find the Danger Zone game in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“I enjoyed it, it was pretty fun. There were some mishaps with the wired, but we as a team found a way around it. Both sides were very competitive and we all had our tactics. If I could, we’d definitely do it again.” – CWO2 PeUS.
“How did you feel playing and being the MVP of the game?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“It was actually quite an honor, I did score our only points we had but I couldn’t have done it without the support of the Marines behind me.” – CWO2 PeUS.
“What brings Marines together as a team?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“The Marines are a special group, we have a bond that every member connects to each other and we work together regardless of office, regardless of if we have spoken before or not, or anything. We’re a big ol family, and in order to succeed you need the entire village to gather together towards our goal. No Marine left behind! We were last year’s BW winners, and we’re motivated to be BACK-TO-BACK champs. Win or lose, we just intend to have the most fun possible as a team. That’s what motivates us.” – CWO2, PeUS.
Some powerful, motivational and strong words from the MVP of Danger Zone, CWO2 PeUS. Definitely some words we can all learn from!
My next interview was with one of the Army’s greatest players, SGT, -Trivium. Let’s see what he has to say.
“How did you find the Danger Zone game in general?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“I really enjoyed the Danger Zone game. It’s one of my favorite Habbo games of all time so I really enjoyed playing it during the Branch Wars. In general it’s just a really fun game because you’re always going to be in hyperfocus mode because you really don’t even get a second to be distracted, especially in the 10v10 format that this Branch Wars is using you have to stay sharp because there’s really not a lot of space to move. Every step that you take can be crucial towards picking up the victory.” – SGT, -Trivium.
“How did you feel whilst playing Danger Zone yourself?” CW5, LaurenMae.
“For me personally it was really exciting but also nerve wracking, because it was the first game of Branch Wars that I ever played in. During training I found out that I was quite good at the game so I was very excited to play. I was on call with another participant and the nerves were high. In the first round you really had to find your footing because of the 10 v 10 chaos that ensued, but I quickly learned how to navigate the map and after that it was just full sweaty mode to be entirely honest. In the end, I really enjoyed it even though there was a debatable moment. Really looking forward to the next round!” – SGT, -Trivium.
“Is there anything you felt the Army could’ve improved on?” – CW5, LaurenMae.
“I think the Army as a whole could improve on learning how to navigate the map. But even that is excusable because like I said, the map is really chaotic and it could definitely take a few sessions to get used to it. There was also a crucial moment in I believe their first round win, where it was 2/3 Army vs 1 Marine in which the active players could have definitely hunted down the Marine to close out the game, but that’s always easy to say after the match. I don’t think anyone should be held accountable because in general we really performed well and we were on our A-game. I definitely think that the next time we play Danger Zone we’ll be an even bigger threat!” SGT, -Trivium.
Again some very good, powerful and constructive words from one of our greatest players, SGT, -Trivium. But the question is, who’s going to take the next win home?
Danger Zone, July 3 – The Battle Of The Sea And Sky!
by alek067
The Navy Seals manage to snatch a point that leads to their victory against The Air Force Falcons in Danger Zone 2 during the evening of Branch Wars 2022.
The first three rounds were always a head-to-head game as both Seals and Falcons would make it until the gate opened. However, as they ran to enter the safe zone, the spider always got to them.
“Those games were so nerve-racking how close they were every round; the navy was close to winning but would end up dying,” PO1 Randy of Navy Seals said.
“The Air Force also had good rounds but sadly never ended up sitting on the magical chair, but the game was close. It could have gone either way or extra rounds,” he added.
Despite the Falcons’ loss, they managed to enjoy their time playing.
“Unfortunately, we did not have much luck. However, we did try our best, and we had fun. That’s more important to me in the end than winning,” Major Femae of the Falcons said.
“They are already winners in my eyes,” she added.
The point the Navy garnered during the 4th round was thanks to CMDCM DomJack. She was also hailed the MVP of Danger Zone 2.
She entered during the 4th round and left with “HOYAH’s” dedicated to her for giving the Navy a point and concluded the game with 1-0.
The Branch Wars will be continuing throughout July with various games and events hosted by the Office Of The Public Affairs and Titans for Football games.
Editors | LaurenMae alek067 TraidKelly |
Writers | TraidKelly alek067 LaurenMae Sandslash53 |